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  1. Y

    Always sleeping after school?

    ROFL i know the feels. try exercise that gets ur blood pumping or maybe coffee? i get really sleepy after eating a bunch of carbs lol maybe just me
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    Can i use anime as my related text?

    Sounds really crrringy tbh and riskyyyy. I mean it's the HSC, i wouldn't place my bets on pokemon or anything like that
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    1st yr subject queries

    AH ok god bless xD. Yeah, exactly you took the words out of my mouth! "as there might be less people choosing the typical structure" (think you meant more tho haha idk).
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    1st yr subject queries

    Hi boser's, so i've started enrolling and my handbook structure (1st yr) is basically : 3 subjects autumn, 3 subjects spring. Because i enrolled a little late (right now), i'm getting shitty times (6/7 pms shitty? ) do you guys think i can just swap out my subjects for others? (i.e can i...
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    Subject seminars full?

    Yes defs will do. Its a start xD
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    Subject seminars full?

    Hi, Really panicking right now!!!! PLEASE HELP SOS really appreciate 1st year uni starting this yr, i've just started enrolling into my subjects and creating my timetable but it won't let me check the box to lock in my session since it seems to be labelled "full" (most of them are full)...
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    What technique would this be? If any?

    pun? no? or didactic language
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    Missing out on a bit of uni. How much will it affect me?

    To all the guys/gurls went to UTS particularly or just any other uni, will i be missing out on a lot of crucial information if i dont go to the two weeks of orientation + first 2 formal classes due going overseas attending personal matters? I'm someone considering joining clubs, societies and...
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    UNSW Guanranteed Entry Help

    Thanks leehuan for the input. Apparently it was in my "promotions" inbox. Problem solved. Thanks for ur time xD
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    UNSW Guanranteed Entry Help

    Can anyone help pls. Everyones getting guanrantted entry emails from UNSW but me. Does you have to receive the email to get guaranteed entry or do you just have to reach the stated atar? THANKS HEAPS XD
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    How hard is 90+ atar!

    got 97 atar but didn't really pay attention in yr11 so got around 70s for everything. While my friends all went tutoring at Dr Du and whatnot, I only started putting in effort during the summer holidays at the end of yr 11. It is during this period where getting ahead in terms of content really...
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    HSC Marking Criteria 2015

    more like "marking cRIPteria"
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    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Yes they do. fingers crossed xD
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    Any specific advice for how to do well in a subject you are self-taught?

    Well, i pretty much self taught myself chemistry and physics by taking advantage of the holidays (esp the time during december to january) to get ahead in topics. I used a combination of the ahmed shah notes (on bos), Dotpoint Chemistry for Chem and Dotpoint phys and physics in focus for phys...
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    Jersey names HELP!

    Phil Mccrotch Holden Mcgroin Ben Dover Chris P. Nutts Mike Hunt
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    How many bonus points EAS?

    For those who received EAS points, how many did you get?
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    General Thoughts: Physics

    Losing marks for writing too much? Where did you get this info????