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  1. TacoTerrorist

    Whitehouse 08 - An Unfair Affair?

    In debates, Obama's responses are well thought out and intelligent. McCain blabbers on about crap, avoids the question and bases his policies on irrational, often underlyingly xenophobic emotions. Fuck off Republicans with your ridiculous one-liners.
  2. TacoTerrorist

    Whitehouse 08 - An Unfair Affair?

    Good, finally people are waking up and realising that they don't want another four more years of horrible incompetance. Man I hope you are trolling. I fucking hope to Christ you're stirring shit. Nobody on earth could be this terrible.
  3. TacoTerrorist

    Whitehouse 08 - An Unfair Affair?

    Right-wingers are all old, poor, super-rich, racist, ignorant, stupid, white trash, worthless shit-stains on the face of the planet, causing wars, inequality and the exploitation of foreign countries for their own sick gain. McCain is a fucking populist retard with bullshit policies and Palin is...
  4. TacoTerrorist

    What is a good job involving English?

    Law is your best bet. It is difficult to get a decent job related to the field of English. If you want a well paid job you have to be good at maths. If you're not, expect to spend your life working at McDonald's.
  5. TacoTerrorist

    "Real" Australians and "Australian values"

    ^ Anyone in Sydney, or anyone who isn't an upper-class-businessman and votes for the Liberal party.
  6. TacoTerrorist

    MUSLIM uncle burns 11 year old neice for wearing lipstick

    [/U]If religion were somehow eradicated completely if anything there would be no difference in the amount of violence etc.
  7. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    $hiftyIceQueen, leave this thread before your soul gets ripped out by bigotted atheists hungry for fresh blood.
  8. TacoTerrorist

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    What kind of a person would vote for McCain? Seriously. Wtf.
  9. TacoTerrorist

    Can poverty be eradicated?

    There are always going to be rich and poor. Rich countries got rich primarily by manipulation and exploitation. We certainly have the means to ease the suffering of those in the third world, but the common people who inhabit the west don't have the motivation, and the rich don't have the will.
  10. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    I understand that, but people are using the spaghetti monster analogy to try and disprove or discredit a deity. It is fine to use it when someone says that they believe God exists because he can't be disproven, but it is not fine to use it when something of that sort is not mentioned. I don't...
  11. TacoTerrorist

    Saudi Cleric urges Muslim women to cover all but one eye

    JaredR how can anyone take you seriously with your McCain/Palin signature? I used to think you were misguided now I know you're mentally deficient.
  12. TacoTerrorist

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    hay go bak 2 ur countrey we dun wont ur tipe here we groo here u flow ere
  13. TacoTerrorist

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Abortion: The only time murder is okay.
  14. TacoTerrorist

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    Which I think is stupid. This is the folly of atheism. It is not purely irrational to take a small leap of faith, but it is irrational to think purely rationally.
  15. TacoTerrorist

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    That is exactly what I think about your position.
  16. TacoTerrorist

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    God in the context I am describing is not the Christian God but simply a being of high intelligence whose characteristics can only be defined by the methods used to create life. If this deity or 'God' physically looks like a flying spaghetti monster then so be it.
  17. TacoTerrorist

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    No, you are simplifying the issue. I don't believe in unicorns or centaurs as very obviously they are human constructions and would serve no purpose. Aliens, in the form of life on other planets I believe is possible. You act like there is zero evidence or reason for a god's existence. Take a...
  18. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    The atheist demands that the Deist, or theist, provide evidence for the existence of God. They continually resort to logical fallacies of their own, for example, a common one is the Petitio principii (begging the question) fallacy; it goes something like this: there is no God because...
  19. TacoTerrorist

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    Isn't that a bit near sighted? You could go on and on and never find what you would call evidence for God. Emprical evidence is not the only evidence, and to rely wholeheartedly on evidence for God that you will never find or accept is foolish.