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  1. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    The idea that there has never been time is illogical. That is irrational. For someone who claims to be so logical, you like to keep a lot of bullshit information so that you can keep trying to justify your conclusions. I called one person a retard. Weak arguments? Your responses to my 'weak...
  2. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    You think that SOMETHING can come from NOTHING? You are a fucking moron. If I have a jar, filled with nothing, not even oxygen, just nothing. And I leave it for fucking eternity the inside of the jar is not going to grow intelligence, lifeforms, anything. Nothing will happen inside the jar. I...
  3. TacoTerrorist

    World Youth Day 08

    Rofl dude that is fucked up.
  4. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    So that means you're open to the idea of considering something's existence that is outside of what we know, i.e a diety. Yes but it is incomplete, and the only way to complete an understanding of the creation of the universe is to accept something that is irrational based on our current...
  5. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    ^ Shut the fuck up you lump of shit clinging to the side of the gene pool.
  6. TacoTerrorist

    isreali- paleistine

    Israel has caused nothing but bloodshed. It is a drop of ink in a glass of water. This isn't about religion. This is about land and human rights. Such as? They do. Hamas was democratically elected. Perhaps instead of democracy you mean a US controlled puppet government that gives into the...
  7. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    Nice dodge. Unfortunately, only theists can use the space/time argument because to imply that the universe has always existed/is beyond our understanding is to imply that something supernatural is at work. The 'universe has always existed' statement is irrational if you are playing by the rules...
  8. TacoTerrorist

    Dalai Lama defends Islam

    jb_nc's mother rides cock for a living.
  9. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    I was trolling when I said that... Bull. Shit Either God made the universe by clicking his fingers, God started the big bang/or alternate scientific theory, or there is no God/diety and the universe essentially sprang from nothing, creating itself over time. Imo the 2nd one is the most feasible.
  10. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    ^ Yeah I'm having an internal battle over Deism or Agnosticism. Atheists like to shift the burden of proof from themselves to their debating opponents; in short, the believer in God must prove God, but the atheist will not defend his position that the universe is either eternal or accidental...
  11. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    ^ I agree 100%. And I don't think it is right for anyone else with their own opinions to insult or degrade someone else who didn't come to the same conclusion. EDIT: That was directed at NTB's post.
  12. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    Okay, my main anti-atheist arguments are: The universe is an incredibly complex, living breathing machine. This points to a diety of some description. Science does not attempt to assert whether God does or does not exist. It is the way in which we attempt to understand things about our...
  13. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    ^ It's not like everyone follows an exact set of thinking processes and deduces that atheism is the right path. Stop insinuating that people have a mental deficiency because they don't think the same way you do.
  14. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    ITT: Dogmatic elitist fundamentalist atheists attack anyone who disagrees with their unfounded conclusions.
  15. TacoTerrorist

    Does God exist?

    Wow! You're totally right! You've opened my eyes! There's no mystery to life, science holds all the answers and God's just a giant spaghetti monster!
  16. TacoTerrorist

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    ^ Agreed. For someone who prides himself on being so rational, Dawkins shows a lack of common sense in his book. The whole tone of it portrays him as some bitchy elitist whiner. The book only causes further divisions and tensions; it isn't going to change anyone's mind. And this is why women...
  17. TacoTerrorist

    Does Allah Exist?

    ^ Go kill yourself Riet you floppy dildo.
  18. TacoTerrorist

    Does Allah Exist?

    Yes you are allowed to 'stand against it and criticise those values' if the situation you are describing is the situation that is occurring, and it isn't.
  19. TacoTerrorist

    Iran and the Strait of Hormuz, Cruse oil and the Political insability

    If the U.S lost it's influence Israel would last about 10 minutes. A few half-assed Yom Kippur wars will pale in comparison to the forces that a pissed off Arab population could bring to the table.
  20. TacoTerrorist

    Police stave off pedophile 'lynch mob'

    ^ Is this guy an idiot, or just a moron?