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  1. zaxmacks

    STAT1070 course

  2. zaxmacks

    maths question

    How easy is MATH1002? I'm thinking about doing it just because it sounds like it's pretty easy.
  3. zaxmacks

    ITT: we reminisce the old kids shows from the 80s-90s on abc kids

    Check this site out. Sooooo good. Man, I forgot about this show. Fly Tales.
  4. zaxmacks

    what percentage of the population

    Maybe I exaggerated. It'd be more like one in 100,000.
  5. zaxmacks

    String Theory

    It's an extension, because it goes beyond string theory in an attempt to unify the 5 superstring theories.
  6. zaxmacks

    No more entry to unskilled bogan Indians

    Those lazy bums can still apply for asylum and get in.
  7. zaxmacks

    Unconventionally Romantic Things

    I new it'd be a hit with the ladies. :)
  8. zaxmacks

    Fuck off we're full. Immigrants taking true blue Aussie houses

    You should quote the text before and after the ones you used, so it doesn't look like you're being stupid and quoting out of context.
  9. zaxmacks

    what percentage of the population

    0.000001% I'm ridiculously picky.
  10. zaxmacks

    Facial Piercings

  11. zaxmacks

    Unconventionally Romantic Things

    Grow a rose and fertilise it with your own excrement :)
  12. zaxmacks

    outline the essential problem with light, the aether and the principle of relativity.

    Re: outline the essential problem with light, the aether and the principle of relativ It pre-dates Galileo? I was pretty certain that when he came up with his theory of relativity, he wasn't building on previous work.
  13. zaxmacks

    Songs for a video I'm editing? Ideas?

    Belay My Last - Miss America
  14. zaxmacks

    What are you currently Reading?

    Physiology of Behaviour by some dude (I don't know his name).
  15. zaxmacks

    second year uni scarier then the first?!?!? oh no

    Quitting uni seems to be your only option.