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  1. L

    Tips on improving my essay? Rollovers

    I worked really hard on my essay and I think I analysed it really well, so did my friends from uni and my tutor but when I submitted it the teacher said I wouldn't be suitable for EE1. Some of the people in my class started ON the day it was due and still passed. I don't have any plans on...
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    A bit curious

    Well we had a 3U test the other day and lets say only the dropouts in accelerated managed to passed, and even then it would be by 1 or 2 marks so that was a terrible indicator of our grade in 3u overall... we have 3, 3u classes + 1 accelerated 3U, this is because they took the top 2 maths...
  3. L

    Legally oblidged to allow students to take any course?

    were you not allowed to do eco? but my schools annoying, they scare you the whole year about to being able to get into the subject that you want. For example English, they said anyone with <75% overall mark wont be able to do advance, then they just choose the top 60 in the yearlies/rosa...
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    A bit curious

    I don't know but my friends from 5.2 course are allowed to do ext 1. I find this really unfair because ive put in consistent effort from 7-10, but they've just bludged in 5.2 like whatthehell!!
  5. L

    Legally oblidged to allow students to take any course?

    Can someone link me where on the BoS that says a teacher isn't allowed to reject a student of a subject that they wish to study in senior years?
  6. L

    Is it to late to move schools?

    I know my points aren't as strong but this school is just causing me a lot of stress and my school is making my ambitions and drive a lot less possible. I have friends in neighbouring schools so I don't think I have to worry about the social aspect of school all that much and I don't think I've...
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    A bit curious

    But back to the question, are they actually allowed to partake in extension 1 for their senior years?
  8. L

    Is it to late to move schools?

    As listed below: patrician brothers, chester hill or generally the fairfield area schools
  9. L

    Is it to late to move schools?

    I'm coming to the end of my year 10 life and starting preliminaries next year, its just that I feel like my cohorts, teachers and classmates in general aren't that suitable for me. First off, the teachers. I know many schools don't have to deal with constant scares of how they're going to...
  10. L

    Subject selction help!

    ideally any combo can get you into medicine, I know a guy who did advance maths, standard English, biology, modern history and physics and still got into medical science (transferring to usyd school of dentistry next year), its just about how much effort you put in. but since your subjects are...
  11. L

    Atar Estimate

    With those predictions definitely high 80s, probably worst case is low-mid 80s
  12. L

    Atar estimate

    Worst case scenario - 94ish Best case - mid 99 high 98 You're killing it in rankings and your school is pretty high so i wouldnt worry about your cohorts because honestly even if your school drops a few ranks, you ranks are solid
  13. L

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    Then again we are on the BoS so that combo is common. I'm actually doing the same, im thinking of dropping to standard because I just found out how weak my school is when it comes to English.
  14. L

    What should i be doing if im aiming to apply for a co-op scholarship?

    good advice given, sucks by the sound of your situation but I hope the best for you.
  15. L

    The First Kiss

    i love how you guys went from kissing to hooking each other up. I love this forum haha
  16. L

    Would I be charging to much for my tutoring with these specs?

    money shouldn't be the main concern with a tutor, don't be greedy op. $20 an hour is heaps of money if you're teaching a class or even 1 on 1 for a hsc grad. I know a guy who charges $10 an hour for a small class for years 6 - 12
  17. L

    Would I be charging to much for my tutoring with these specs?

    that's pretty harsh man, a 90 atar is pretty good in my opinion because some people aim for 85+ and most of them don't even achieve it. I think that OPs rates are high because hes an inexperienced tutor and has little knowledge on how to conduct a proper lesson but other than that its fine...
  18. L

    Fastest/Easiest Ways to Make Money

    Think tutoring gives you a pretty stable flow of income, and depending on how well you structure you classes and enjoyable/informative your classes are, it'll get you heaps of pocket money.
  19. L

    Comment if you play a weird, strange or different sport

    Well I take an underground called "tricking". It originated from martial arts but takes a number of moves from gymnastics, bboy and capoeira to thread together combos which consists of mainly kicks, flips and twists. Unlike bboys or capoeira, trickers don't based our combos on "rhythm", this...