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  1. E

    question about quizes

    So if you are on 90%, and you want 100%, how can you possibly achieve that if you don't make another attempt.
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    question about quizes

    You have missed the point - hence I hope the unit of study was not logic. Even if it was your last attempt, your mark could only either go up (if you got the right answer) or stay the same (if you replaced the wrong answer with another wrong answer). Your mark could only go down if you changed...
  3. E

    Skipping lectures?

    You are now an adult who can make choices, and with that choice comes the responsibility of living with the consequences of your actions. If at the end of the semester you are happy with your results, then great. If you are not happy with your results, then take the responsibility for them...
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    question about quizes

    Think about the logic here. Consider the case of there being a limit, but you do not know what it is. You are sitting on 9/10 because you cant do one question. Do you? 1: Do nothing and do not make another attempt because you are afraid you cant make any more attempts. What will your mark...
  5. E

    Is ENGG1805 compulsory for electrical engineering?

    yes - Are you suggesting that if any unit of study is not prereq or assumed knowledge for anything later that it should not be core?
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    Is it easy to get a credit average in foundation math units

    Do you need "a credit in all units" or "a credit average calculated for all your units"
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    myuni not working for your grades and marks and enrolment.
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    Advice to students who just got an offer for Engineering and IT at Sydney

    You will find out in 6 months time when you do the unit. If you were told now 1 hr or 2 hrs, would it actually make any difference?
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    USYD: Scaling of First Year Maths Units

    The OP referred to If you are transferring to another degree by applying to UAC they look at your entire GPA. This is a UAC process - not usyd sciwam
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    B civil engineering( honours) / B laws

    We usually have about 1 civil + law each year.
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    Unikey and email password

    Have you checked your spam filter of your regular email account. If you know what your unikey is, then get your password reset. You need to ring the Ict Helpdesk (not the enrolment helpline),, ring 9351 6000
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    Advice to students who just got an offer for Engineering and IT at Sydney

    ENGG1802 is the basics of force and moment equilibrium, and acceleration. Most important unit for budding civil, mech and aero students.
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    Unikey and email password

    ??? If you have been sent your unikey details then that is all you need. If you say you haven't got your password, then how did you use your unikey and (allegedly non existent) password to log on and pick your units of study? One possible issue - how are you checking your email? If You are...
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    New Engineering & IT students: need assistance or advice picking units & enrolling?

    Visit Engineering and IT at the University of Sydney this Wednesday 28 January - see details at
  15. E

    New students - do you need assistance or advice picking your units and enrolling

    Visit Engineering and IT at the University of Sydney this Wednesday 28 January - see details at
  16. E

    Are there jobs in the biomedical engineering industry?

    Read some of the last few years gradstats - - gives employment rates of lots of different professions for students just out of uni.
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    Advanced Engineering Program at USyd

    You do not get "advanced" on your transcript. I think the poster amundies is confusing with the advance science degree in the BSC. Advanced engineering at USyd is a series of extra or alternative subjects. They tend to be more multi disciplinary and entrepreneurial. One advantage is that...
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    Job prospects for chemical engineering

    Read some of the last few years gradstats - - gives employment rates of lots of different professions for students just out of uni.
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    Will I get in?

    Did you have it as an option in the first round? The cutoffs usually don't go down for second round. As per previous poster, have you checked if USyd offers flex entry for this course and if you meet the criteria.