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    Senpai pls i nid halp

    Attend the BHS advice day on 27 January
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    Deadline for enrolment?

    Both are meant to be done in 7 days. If you are assisting your daughter, but are unsure of what specific subjects she needs to do, you should select some type of appropraite enrolment on her behalf (what degree is it she is doing?). If needs be, she can then change her subjects when she returns
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    Advice to students who just got an offer for Engineering and IT at Sydney

    If you are confused or want the comfort of in person advice/questioning/confirmation - turn up to the in person advice sessions on Fri 23 or Wed 28. See
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    Advice to students who just got an offer for Engineering and IT at Sydney Visit CUSP (Course and Unit of Study Portal) to find the course program and list of units of study for your enrolment. So, the short answer is "yes"
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    Late and final round offers, and vacancies - advice to students

    Always accept your first round offer, even if it is not what you want. You can always drop it later without financial penalty. You will only get a second round offer if there is a spot available in a preference higher than the one you got in main round (unless you change your preferences)...
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    Enrolment HELP!

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    USYD Law Vacancies

    2014 jan round 3 = 2015 feb round 1 If you don't change preferences and don't apply, your chances are zero. If you change your preferences, your chances are greater than 0.
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    When does enrolment open for Usyd?

    Read You get an email "soon" asking you to accept. The system needs to generate 10000 emails. Please be patient. After you accept, you will then get another email (usually within 2 hours) with your uni...
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    How to accept an offer and enrol at the University of Sydney Please be patient. Because of the high volume of enrolment activity, there could be a timeframe of up to 2 hours between Step 1 and getting your log in details for Step 2.
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    USYD Law Vacancies

    Last year they did appear to make some offers with the same cutoff
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    Unikey and email password

    See 1: Accept your offer - you do not need a unikey / password to do that. 2: Wait a bit. The system will process your acceptance and convert you into a Sydney Uni student. It could take up to two hours...
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    Advice to students who just got an offer for Engineering and IT at Sydney

    Congratulations if you receive an offer tonight. You are probably going to get a lot of information sent to you soon about how to enrol and what to do! Visit to help with unit of study choice. Good luck!
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    When is the last day you can re-enrol in usyd?
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    Am i guaranteed to get an offer in the MAIN ROUND??

    Always accept your first round offer, even if it is not what you want. You can always drop it later without financial penalty. You will only get a second round offer if there is a spot available in a preference higher than the one you got in main round (unless you change your preferences). You...
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    Jan 6th offers?

    Most 2014 HSC students will get USyd offers in the main round. Only a very small number of E12 and/or scholarship offerees will get offers on 6 Jan
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    Student Opal card privacy concerns limit university participation

    From Privacy concerns have stopped Sydney University from joining the rollout of student Opal concession cards, with new figures showing only five of 290 eligible tertiary...
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    Early Offer Question
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    Do i have a chance at second round offers?

    You can compare the main round with late round cut offs from last year for yourself to see if unsw change cutoffs much.
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    Early Offer Question

    Basically accepting the offer and then enrolling in your units of study are two tasks the university expects you to do at (almost) the same time. See You can then change your units later until uni starts at...
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    Anyone got E12 unconditional offer letter yet?

    1: did you get a conditional offer back in October? 2: are you 100% sure you met both the ATAR and any subject requirements of that course? 3: have you checked the spam filter of your email account?