Search results

  1. K

    What raw mark do I need to get 90?

    i thought it was around 77
  2. K

    School Uniform Compulsory For HSC Exams?

    even though you might be allowed, i would wanna wear it for one last time!!
  3. K

    ashfield boys 2011 hsc results

    thanks! its good enough
  4. K

    ashfield boys 2011 hsc results

    does anyone have a list of top ten atar achievers from ashfield boys high school for last year? i need it..thanks!
  5. K

    adapting your essay

    what are the strategies to adapt your essay..this is my weakest point.. for example i have a simple thesis such as "Lack of understanding between individuals limits belonging" and the question was about belonging to place, how would i do it?? can someone give me examples of their adaptation...
  6. K

    how many achieve higher bands

    cool! never knew that page existed...what do you reckon a raw mark of 70/105 would align to??
  7. K

    how many achieve higher bands

    just wanted to know the stats, how many people do advanced english and how many get band 5, and how many students get band 6?
  8. K

    how to do good in last 2 ques.

    they literally scare me!
  9. K

    Only 3 subjects to study for

    since you only do 3 rather than 6, i think you get double the time in a week and eventually two years are covered in one!
  10. K

    Only 3 subjects to study for

    my school (strathfield south high) is going to do it from next year....i missed out!
  11. K

    how to do good in last 2 ques.

    i have done a little amount of past papers and i fail badly in last two questions of the test, like i keep getting 8-12/ to do relatively well and boost your mark??? i also find harder 3 unit topics to be quite difficult! help!! thanks!
  12. K

    Band 6 raw cut off?

    i think around 80-83%
  13. K

    UNSW Scholarships

    and also aloe vera
  14. K

    essay planners

  15. K

    essay planners

    does anybody have essay planner for pride and prejudice/ letters to will really help me to write my essay thanks!
  16. K

    What's your worst AND best exam(s)?

    worst- advanced english best- phys or chem!
  17. K

    what scholarship did i receive??

    i didnt get trolled by unsw...this thread got trolled by you!
  18. K

    what scholarship did i receive??

    no way! i hope its the one you are talking about!!! thanks!! you made my day!
  19. K

    what scholarship did i receive??

    hey guys, this is my first post (yipee!) i had been sick for past 10 days and was also admitted in hospital for 3 days....i was unable to attend my graduation and my formal! however a certificate came to my house from my school saying that i had received a scholarship from unsw. but it doesnt...