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  1. D

    innocent or hot?

    It's only "to" if it was only me and him, it's "with" if he brought the big fat greek girl?
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    Word of warning: Don't register for that site. It's an overpriced scam. Their resources are terrible (I get better information from school and my school info is shit). They charge you like $12 to mark an essay? Why would you pay to have an essay marked, when you can get it marked by an English...
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    innocent or hot?

    *makes love with you*
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    a book that made you cry

    The Time Travellers Wife
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    New Rider in next Inheritance Book?

    Knowing authors... 1) The 4th book will likely not be the last - he'll give another lame reason that he had another brillant idea. The reality is that idea is to make more profit... 2) It will not be Arya - authors never select the popular, obvious choice as their "climax". 3) The book is...
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    Anybody NOT going to schoolies at all?

    So is anyone else going backpacking? Because your going to get raped if you go to Thailand.
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    Wtf at library today

    You should of dumped your books on that international chick's desk and then just stood there. Fart a little bit (make it smelly) and she'll probably have left and you can smile to yourself...
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    Wtf at library today

    I hate it too when people are in the library and are basically just talking. It's acceptable to talk if your doing work, or taking a break BUT talking (relatively loudly) without doing any work. Some truckies or look alikes, for example, did this today. They put their feet up, occupied the...
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    What I hate on Television

    CSI etc most of the shit shows on Ten - the only ones I have ever really liked was the Simpsons (used to watch it all the time when I was younger)
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    innocent or hot?

    BIG FAT GREEK GIRLS preferably with lotsa hair and protruding belly
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    What is the lowest ATAR?

    Some of the dumb shits in my school were to scared that they won't get above 36 ATAR they optioned not to get an ATAR. Edit: I'm not being rude - but they seriously are dumb. They would literally jump off the bridge if they thought it would be funny.
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    Possible to get above 84?

    lol @ Fort Street and their plp on history excursions
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    Evaluation of this ATAR please?

    Oh yeah sorry just out of curiosity: If I am coming first in Ancient, why the fuck is my mark so low (I've nearly got full marks in all my assessments - think I only lost like 7 marks altogather [and that's out of 4 assessments] so far)? Two years ago, someone from my school got a state rank...
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    ATAR Estimate please! :)

    If you got that mark in the HSC, according to UMAX you would receive 68.75
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    Evaluation of this ATAR please?

    I said "sort of" selective, in the sense it is "academically rigorous" - we got someone with 99.95 ATAR last year for example. I don't think ranks are important, not at such an early stage. I'm 1st in Ancient, but my Ancient marks aren't great are they? Whilst I'm like 10th in English and...
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    Evaluation of this ATAR please?

    In a "sense"... By it's top 40 but its private. *** Also I think maybe the Maths assessments were easy - but not everything else (that's why I got so much better marks then everyone else, cus I aced the other assessments besides the first ones which I got below average). The problem is...
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    Evaluation of this ATAR please?

    At the moment, our school has predicted my ATAR, I have scored 92? I am heavily disappointed, can this be improved and is it too early for an accurate prediction (I did screw up in a few assessments). BTW this is a 'selective' school in a sense: English = 94/100 <-- I screwed up in my first...
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    best investment ?

    How many did you buy?
  19. D

    best investment ?

    Anyone heard of the company "American Towers"? If it were me, and we're wanting to invest in communications - American Towers would definetly be the firm to invest in. If not, there's plenty of other companies who are more efficient and innovative than the previously, state-owned and protected...