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  1. M


    lol i think i can PUMP out the essay
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    wow thats heaps fast. I am wondering how much you can write in 50-60 minutes. As i have a history assesment/writing task. My assesment is 1161 words long and i hav to write it in class(basically memorise the assesment), and class goes for 60 minutes but by the time the teacher comes the students...
  3. M


    Could a person write 1,100 words in 50-60 minutes. (Thinking realistic) Also if no what could a person write 50-60 minutes average?
  4. M

    rate ur schools science teachers

    ye my teachers are shit besides english and science which i give 8/10.
  5. M

    touche? huh

    touche? huh
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    Maths sucks

    mayb u just do not like the thought of maths so u do not even bother trying in class.
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    Yr 11

    I am just wondering can u evr do early tutoring in the xmas holidays for the subjects you are going to do in yr 11. Example i am doing physics and chem next year and i want to like get introduced to the topic. Could i get tutored this(In the Xmas holidays before start of skool/yr11) so it can b...
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    Mathematics versus Extension 2

    no? nvrmind just saying i can c wat ppl get in 2u compared to 4u...
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    Who is afraid they won't get their subjects?

    It will obviously be hard, but it depends. If you are good at both subjects it will b not as stressfull. But the workload will be, doing the extension class the best thing is u can drop down. :)
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    Maths sucks

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    Mathematics versus Extension 2

    umm? i hav friends in my school who are in yr 12 and..who are in yr 11 and do 2u and some do every1 knows its easier to get an average mark then hi mark..but meh w/e
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    Mathematics versus Extension 2

    very true!
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    Whoever's Failing General Maths or Gettin Shit Marks This is the Place 4 U

    i really am speechless on this..sorry.
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    Mathematics versus Extension 2

    ur choice
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    Mathematics versus Extension 2

    if maths is ur strength/best subject y dnt u use it in uni?
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    Favourite subject/s so far

    y do u find it interesting? just wondering
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    Favourite subject/s so far

    im in yr 10 and my favourite subject is maths :D :jedi:
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    Mathematics versus Extension 2

    lol its much easier to get 80 in 4u then 97 in 2u...and good luck getting 97 man.. if u can get 97 in 2u i dnt think mx1 or mx2 will b hard for u..
  19. M

    heyy anna

    heyy anna
  20. M

    DILEMA: Using other peoples notes for the HSC & Trials?

    she wanted to know the opinions of using and memorising some1 elses notes