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    Who doing both extensions?

    ahahhzzz... me too!^^
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    Asians 2?

    Why do i even bother? *sighs* I just want to stay safe okay. Cant u just let me do that? AND WHY THE INSULTS?
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    Asians 2?

    i have facebook and i dont upload pics of myself on it i'm sorry i'm not like you!
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    Year 12 Subjects

    What? it's not fair if they rank you by surnames
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    Asians 2?

    I dont get what you're saying i dont despise them so much and i'm not trying to be non-asian.
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    Who doing both extensions?

    Is your school like mine? they only allow you to do one extension sub. in yr11?
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    Asians 2?

    and your point is?
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    Does anyone know where I can buy a math aid?

    can u use them for exams?
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    Asians 2?

    We can already establish that one of them is you
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    Asians 2?

    LOL! thanks jeshxcore
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    Year 12 Subjects

    u went to ruse? What about for other schools?
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    Year 12 Subjects

    Are u sure it's based on the ranks? I thought it depends on the marks/grades more.
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    Year 12 Subjects

    Wait, top 50 for 3u english or just English? and top 90 for math? does this depnd on the number of students or what? Please explain.
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    Year 12 Subjects

    How do you know if you can do 4U subs already? =S
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    Asians 2?

    Arent the reasons obvious? *rolls eyes*
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    Asians 2?

    what unwillingness? i just dont feel comfortable posting a picture of myself in a public forum.
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    Asians 2?

    what makes u say that?
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    Asians 2?

    errrhh... no
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    Asians 2?

    post pics of what?
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    Asians 2?

    ahahhzzz... me too I find some of them embarrassing as well. makes me wonder why i'm Asian too xD i esp. hate the try-hard ones and the ones that tries to be non-asian ><