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  1. effylove


    Re: The p00n thread do you realise how crowded in general the schooling system would get after a decade like do you even realise how flawed that is
  2. effylove


    there's always marriage!@#!@!
  3. effylove

    Outfit of the Day

  4. effylove

    Outfit of the Day

    a muscle shirt is a singlet
  5. effylove


    solooo like you see the irony in asking for more ~useful~ people in society when what you do is a joke
  6. effylove


    awaiting nicola
  7. effylove


    Re: The p00n thread so lets see people not naturally talented in science or maths should be left to die without jobs (or given menial shit tier jobs) and stuff are you like hitler or something
  8. effylove


    Re: The p00n thread you're forgetting that people aren't robots again why are you even pretending like you're going to make a difference gps boy
  9. effylove


    Re: The p00n thread if you want to ban tutors you'll have to first uniformly standardise teachers which won't happen coz you know humans aren't robots
  10. effylove

    ooo actuary jump the actuary ship man and live chilled

    ooo actuary jump the actuary ship man and live chilled
  11. effylove

    how come bro

    how come bro
  12. effylove

    ja how's uni for you br8

    ja how's uni for you br8
  13. effylove

    Outfit of the Day

    was the singlet a wife beater
  14. effylove

    HI YONGY. (caps)

    HI YONGY. (caps)
  15. effylove

    Outfit of the Day

  16. effylove

    Thoughts on UNSW open day?

    ain't nothing some good externals can't fix gurl
  17. effylove

    my idea for creative piece

    no suicide
  18. effylove

    my idea for creative piece

  19. effylove

    my idea for creative piece

    public forum abz full of desperate hsc kids and even more lurkers