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  1. H

    08 exam- raw mark

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    votekick bendha 2
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    ITT: We go through the 3U paper and post up answers.

    Of course. You'd certainly get 2, perhaps even 3.
  4. H

    ITT: We go through the 3U paper and post up answers.

    What does ITT in thread title stand for?
  5. H

    examiners taking too much time

    Thats not cool. To the guy above, how'd you get 7 page booklets?
  6. H

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    I'm exactly the same as you.
  7. H


    I got the same. It made me hungry and think of lunch lol.
  8. H

    did any 4u students find this paper hard?

    I would have done better with more time.
  9. H

    examiners taking too much time

    Its annoying. Ask for one before you actually need it.
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    08 vs 06

    I too thought 2005 was fairly easy, althoguh was talking to freinds at school about it today, and most of them thoguht it was hard, harder even than 2006. Which I disagreed with.
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    You want a sword fight? My 8.5 inch sword will easily take off your head!!!
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    /wrists I'm getting smashed tonight.
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    You arrived fucking late? You admit to being a piece of shit? GET THE FUCK OUT YOU MOTHERFUCKING TROLING HOAR!!!
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    How Hard Was Tht?

    I too wanted some binomial probability or something more on permutation/combination's. It was disappointing.
  15. H

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: How did you guys go? Tard!!!