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  1. PrettyOddProlix


    Fuckity fuckity fuck fuck no, you're bi; you're not gay. You give gays a bad name, you AC/DC grass-munching cock-gobbler. Being homophobic is a waste of time. "Been" you is a waste of organic chemistry and air. SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW.
  2. PrettyOddProlix

    Help in Ecosystems

    You might wanna check that date; 28 Jul 2006. :wave:
  3. PrettyOddProlix

    Free school travel axed

    Haha. Bad idea. Rees is a douchebag.
  4. PrettyOddProlix


    Oh, for a ph. no. 9515 6080. Tell them you'd like a post-third trimester abortion. More than post-third trimester, actually. Lol. She's getting more hate from these threads. She's gotta be trolling.
  5. PrettyOddProlix


  6. PrettyOddProlix

    Rupert Murdoch - "Bludger mustn't become Aussie icon" Ya, Riet? Eh. Murdoch, whatever. Exaggeration a li'l?
  7. PrettyOddProlix


    Haha, it's always too long, for sure. Eh.
  8. PrettyOddProlix

    Making up.

    Maybe. When I got them a retail event card (I think it was b'day), and when it came to mine, a point was made that it was better to make a self-made, nub card, rather than purchase one; as the self-made has a greater sentimental factor. But thanks, once more.
  9. PrettyOddProlix


    :rolleyes: Fuck yeah, babe. You're bi, and you said it yourself.
  10. PrettyOddProlix

    Ipod greatest invention ever?

    Cool, 'cuz I'm totally not saying that. :shy: Ahuh.
  11. PrettyOddProlix


    What the hell are you on about; you're not even gay, so it's just "anyone out there gay?". I'm not divulging my sexuality, nor do I wish to do so, with anything else.
  12. PrettyOddProlix

    I hate Rove McmANUS

    HAAATE. There was a time when watching and/or listening wouldn't induce violent vomiting and other hyperbolic shit. His show is crap; his material ain't funny; he's annoying as fuck; his voice makes me mad and frustrated; and his guests, or at least the ways in which he interacts with them, are...
  13. PrettyOddProlix

    Friends of the opposite sex

    Yes. One easy case: dude/chick + fgt chick/dude. Depends. Pacchiru's right. ... probably not; at least, it won't last long.
  14. PrettyOddProlix

    what happen to happycup?

    More or less the same stuff; different pricing, slightly different crap in cup.
  15. PrettyOddProlix


    P.S. .... Abso....-....fucking....-....lutely not.
  16. PrettyOddProlix


    :wave: Lame, [img] is off.
  17. PrettyOddProlix


    You mean, like the coffee-yuppy culture and shit? :confused: I probably don't see them and don't recognise it.
  18. PrettyOddProlix


    :( Now I have to use the fucking store locator. Fuck Starbucks. Why? FUCK. :( Hey, there's one next to Customs House.
  19. PrettyOddProlix


    Well, it started like 2 years ago. I guess it was hard. I had a crush on my best friend, and I told my other friend about it, but back then, I went away for the weekend, and she started texting me, saying 'do you like me 'cos I like you, too'. Well, then, I got all these weird texts saying...
  20. PrettyOddProlix


    Hahaha. Being a dyke doesn't mean hating guys or dicks, you know. And being bi doesn't mean you don't hate guys or dicks, tits or chicks. :rolleyes: So anyway, why do you care enough to care that people care one way or another about gays?