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  1. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    it's more interesting definitely but i find the note taking and analysis is much more complex (which i guess is to be expected lmao). also i am a shakespeare apologist so no shakespeare is not necessarily a benefit for me. but i do love e1 i just romanticised mod a to the point where nothing...
  2. raspberriesandpears

    comparative essay tips

    i agree with all above - i find integrated paragraphs more useful but that's just me are you talking about mod a? because specific mod a tips are as follows: - context!! context is your best friend - any comparison you make needs to be informed by the author's context (why was this changed/kept...
  3. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    except that being said... extension one is terrifying me
  4. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    i mean i'm confident in english but i am the filler of the bos quota of the singular english extension two student
  5. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    i remember our first chem test was easy and then they absolutely decimated us in the next one lmao. also yeah i am doing 14 - not entirely sure how it happened. accelerating maths advanced means i'm only actively doing 12 atm but it's still pretty exhausting so i'm probably going to drop my...
  6. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    i think all our marks are coming back next term. i'm dreading chemistry because i came down with a really bad migraine mid-exam but everything else i'm feeling decently confident
  7. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    also not the doxxing phase!!!!!
  8. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    ugh going through it. i had four assessments last week and one today - three more to go. i'm so ready for it all to be over
  9. raspberriesandpears

    Does anyone else suffer from long term procrastination?

    ironic that i'm using this to procrastinate! i need to do my chem! dopamine detox sounds interesting ... i sort of want to delete instagram but it's the only way my friends and i communicate! sucks up time though
  10. raspberriesandpears

    How to ace a speech for A2 HSC

    speeches tend to be more informal (i say tend, check with your teacher)! anecdotes are also great, as aeonium said, even just a vaguely funny "hook" should do it speeches have to be more engaging than essays usually - again check with your teacher! also stage fright is a beast but you can work...
  11. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    i literally just checked this chat after like, two days - we were on page 19 and now we're on page 48 i'll see what was so interesting when i'm not in class but i just wanted to share the WHIPLASH
  12. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    i'd love an e4?? hopefully??
  13. raspberriesandpears

    What ATAR are you aiming for?

    i'd love 99+ but i'm not sure i'll get it - i'm more so aiming to be an all round achiever because i feel like i can control it a bit more
  14. raspberriesandpears

    how much study are you doing in the holidays?

    pretty much everything but history ext + ran out of time for a bit of legal and adv english
  15. raspberriesandpears

    lowkey messed up

    hi yeah i got a 53% in the TRIALS for maths adv and i got a band 6 so yeah totally fine :)
  16. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    god i never expected dr du booklets to have middle-aged-woman-in-2014 inspirational quotes i'm actually thrilled this is incredible news
  17. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    pethmin i know im not the first to ask this but are you sure you're not actually dr du himself
  18. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    no but in all seriousness i used to think the year 12s were so old we are not i still feel like a child
  19. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    was this necessary
  20. raspberriesandpears

    2023 HSC chat

    panicking that i should have done more work, as usual