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  1. Survivor39

    First Year Text BOoks

    P = Prescribed. R = Recommanded BIO1201 (P)BIOLOGY 6E CAMPBELL 107.95 (R)HENDERSONS DICTIONARY OF BIOLOGICAL TERMS LAWRENCE (HENDERSON ED) 43.15 (R)BIOLOGY OF AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND AUGEE D & FOX M 0733905366 31.45 remember to purchase Bio manual/lab coat CHEM1011...
  2. Survivor39

    Should Students get Recommanded Text Books?

    Hello everyone. I just check the UNSW online bookshop and saw the text book list. If I get every single text books, both prescribed and recommanded, it will cost more than $800!! I know we must get the prescribed texts, but should students get the recommanded ones? If yes, to what...
  3. Survivor39

    First Year Text BOoks

    Go to and click on text list. Type in your subject code and there it is. OMG....Chem is so exxpensive!!! 200 BUCKS! eek!
  4. Survivor39

    no lab or tut for bio1201 during enrolement?

    What?? Did you even read my post???? Not trying to sound angry, but obviously you need THREE things. If you need only 1, then I would have said ONE.
  5. Survivor39


    When we enrol, they myUNSW allow us to pick any combination of TUT and Lab. But on the chem website, the Tut and Lab must be together. So we will find out when we registrate for Lab and tut on Monday 23rd on the chem website.
  6. Survivor39

    no lab or tut for bio1201 during enrolement?

    There is THREE things we need for BIOS1201 1. BIOS1201 Manual, that is the folder with colour pages. 2. Lab Coat (Safety glasses are only required in Chemistry. 3. Biological Instrument Kit which contains dissecting neddles, forceps, fine brush.... Actually, the Bio kit is required for...
  7. Survivor39

    no lab or tut for bio1201 during enrolement?

    Hi babydoll_, the "kit" you are talking about is the Folder and the BEES CD right? Not the Biological Instrument Kit containing dissecting neddles, forceps, fine brush....
  8. Survivor39


    Yep, that's what I meant. I kind of want them to be separate....Since I want to finish uni before 3PM everyday. :) But if that is compulsory, I need to finish at 5PM....:(
  9. Survivor39


    Does anyone know if Tutorial and Lab from Chem1011 have to stick together?
  10. Survivor39


    The only decent part of the show was the beginning. :D And why is Jessica keeps saying "don't get mad at me, Nick." :rofl:
  11. Survivor39

    The Simple Life

    Paris Hilton is so spoilt..... She claime her sister and her are NOT spoilt on the Oprah show...What a liar..... What do you think? :D
  12. Survivor39

    Student ID pass thing

    Hi everyone, Is your photo on your UNSW ID TOTALLY, COMPLETELY PATHETIC??? Mine is....*sniffs* It's so dark....grey.....miserable........
  13. Survivor39

    no lab or tut for bio1201 during enrolement?

    For BIOS1201, Tutorials are not compulsory. You do it online via WebCT. If you want help, you CAN attend tutorial within the given time. So therefore, you don't need to enrol in tut for Bio1201. by the way, Is the cheap Lab coat ($25 from newsagency) same as the expensive lab coat from the...
  14. Survivor39

    American Idol

    Wow! Everyone is so good in the first group!! American idol is so much better than Australian Idol :D
  15. Survivor39

    X1 and X2

    What do you mean sunny? Is Gen ed too short?
  16. Survivor39

    X1 and X2

    But McLake! My general education course is running during Winter session. I don't know what to do!
  17. Survivor39

    X1 and X2

    But what is Summer and winter session? then you have autumn and spring session..... more detail please!
  18. Survivor39

    X1 and X2

    Can someone clarify this for me please.
  19. Survivor39

    Examples of PIPs (Updated on 11/02/06)

    Excerpts of a HD PIP generously given to us by study_buddy. Topic: A P.I.P. exploring the elucidation of a youth's ethnic identity in Australia's multicultural society. Introduction 8th grade. The very first recess of the year, old friendships broke down, 'new' ethnic ties were...
  20. Survivor39

    scaling annoys me!!!!

    Only Chemistry and Biology. Vet courses basically requires little study and a great deal of common sense. I'm sure you can try a little harder. And santaslayer is right. If you get a good rank, it doesn't really matter whether your assessment mark is 90 or 45. As to ESL, try and...