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  1. N

    Would u still do English

    This is true. They should force 4-unit english students to accelerate advanced and turn ex1 and ex2 english into 2 units each, ala mathematics. Suddenly these subjects would start to scale significantly higher, I bet..
  2. N

    After trials...?

    After trials i gotta get cracking on my major work, so it will be no relief really to have them finished. Once EX2 is over however, i'll probably take a week off.
  3. N

    09ers - What mark did you get for the project?

    In hindsight I really wish I hadn't. I'm happy with my result, but that shit was unpleasant haha.
  4. N

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    Re: whoz hapi wif there trials? I'm confident with all my trials, i've already recieved the results back for modern which were solid. Wrote plenty for all my essays/creatives and there wasen't any real curveball questions so I should be fine.
  5. N

    Subject Selection: Ancient or Modern History?

    Although I enjoy both, and don't regret picking either, if I had to choose between them modern would always win out. It scales better, has more interesting topics and is less about spitting out content and more about coherent analysis.
  6. N

    Rank Your Exams

    1. modern history (cause I already got the result back, 86%) 2. english paper 2 3. ancient history 4. extension 1 english 5. english paper 1 6. studies of religion 7. history extension (haven't sat this yet..)
  7. N

    Has anyone ever not finished their major work?

    Working on EE2 until the bitter end i'm afraid
  8. N

    What is Australia's worst free to air news?

    i'd have to go with ten, this is mostly due to tim bailey.
  9. N

    09ers - What mark did you get for the project?

    40/45 for my project, ranked 2nd. Bumped my rank up considerably.. Not bad considering I did the whole thing in a weekend, pulling two consecutive all nighters just to get the damn thing finished. Reagan pulled through for me! :)
  10. N

    Is war ever justified?

    Even if you cannot justify it, others can and will. So its a bit of a moot point because its always going to be around.
  11. N

    Does Your Eng Ext 2 Major Work, Have To Be Related To Literature?

    Good chance this is a troll, but incase it isn't: Yes, your major work has to focus on literature! Those could be themes you could incorporate into your thesis, but regardless you will have to focus on the construction of the texts themselves in order to score some marks.
  12. N


    yeah i've memorised a similar amount of writing in that period of time. Just stay focused and write it out ad naseum, it isn't pleasant but you'll get it done.
  13. N

    How many km do you run and how often a week?

    Haha keep at it mate, I hated it at first as well. Try timing yourself, thats what kept it interesting for me.
  14. N

    How many km do you run and how often a week?

    Used to run 5km or more every other day, stopped because I started doing weights. I miss it though, definitely my favourite form of exercise. You feel great for hours afterwards, no matter what else is going on!
  15. N

    ATAR estimate

    My school ranks in the 70s English Ad - 10/72 Mathematics - 16/32 (probably won't count in top 10 units) SOR 1 - 3/90 Modern History - 3/16 Ancient history - 1/42 EXT1 english - 3/22 EX2 english - 2/8 history ext - 6/7 (only 15% of our weighting done so far)
  16. N


  17. N

    Tamil Tigers

    The tamil tigers have plagued sri lanka for 25 years, and at one point controlled 1/3 of the country. How could you compare this kind of potency with hamas, who barely register as a threat? Plus, the eradication of the tamil tigers could bring this destructive conflict to a close. The sporiadic...
  18. N

    Subject Combos

    thats close to mine, just swap music 1 for 2 unit maths and add SOR1 ... you end up writing alot of essays, and giving a lot of speeches.
  19. N

    ADF Gap Year

    would anyone know how much $$$ you'd get p.a for being a reservist? (rifleman)
  20. N

    UAI Prediction

    Any other estimations?