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  1. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Future Music Festival 2010

    would go for teh morilloz and teh digweedz but i dunno i think for electronic music festivals i will just stick to beck's. although that shit is getting advertised on mtv now, the next one attract more shitheads
  2. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Comparing yourself to your S/O

    please omiejay, do yourself a favour and don't watch the new mummy movie. it was shithouse
  3. s-p-a-c-e-d


    aMLgQbAWJaw hellz yeah
  4. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Dream Lineup...

    Just bring me No Fun Fest and i will be satisfied...or a ticket to sweden
  5. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Birth Order and Personality, are you an exception?

    last born here, but ionno according to that description i reckon i fit the middle child one best...
  6. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Best Live Music Experiences Eva

    sigur ros ending their '07 (i think it was..?) show with untitled #8...this was my first concert ever too so yeh pretty special. stereo total @ manning - dancing on stage to 'wir tanzen im 4-eck' in front of a bunch of dykes who were only there to see the opening act do a dj set jens lekman...
  7. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Fashion trends you LOVE and HATE!!

    i did this once. then i swapped horrendous accessory for an equally horrendous singlet that has a picture of a giraffe wearing shutter shades saying " 'sup ". i've still gotta wear it one a day and send her photos tho
  8. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Do you smoke?

    is it just me or do those cigarettes look really appealing?i bet they'd be really nice, haha
  9. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Big Day Out 2010

    line-up is average, bar the horrors whose sideshow i will see in a heartbeat.
  10. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    Shonen Knife were so amazingly fun and cute and just all-round awesome fun. My friend got a pick and she also got them to sign a piece of paper for my birthday!
  11. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Gay friends

    clueless is all i can think of (and even that fulfills the brief only partially)...i'm sure there are more though
  12. s-p-a-c-e-d

    pixies doolittle tour 2010

    funny, i went with my sister to the last pixies gig, and she would have been 33 yrs old back then...
  13. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Do you smoke?

    haha, do you honestly think he has never heard this before?
  14. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    new flaming lips is the album of the year for me.
  15. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Dizzee Rascal

    everything i've heard since boy in da corner has been very average. boy in da corner is pretty amazing though >_>
  16. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    what a shit cover
  17. s-p-a-c-e-d

    animal collective aus tour 09

    this is not good...much rather see them at a sideshow, but still i'll probably be impressed either way.
  18. s-p-a-c-e-d

    animal collective aus tour 09

    i'll actually be at meredith while they play their sideshow in syd...but seeing them the next day probably so =D
  19. s-p-a-c-e-d

    What's your sexuality.

    lolz i'm more bent than a row of badly placed tents.
  20. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Christian music

    only if you swallow