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  1. T

    Suits and White Collar?

    Personally love both, but bc Suits has yet to come back I've found myself starting to watch WC (and before you ruin it for me, I've just started last week so I'm still on season 2) And any other shows that are really good? I used to watch quite a few but stopped bc they just got boring....
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    Events, community initiatives, and ideas of what to plan being a school captain.

    Well in my school we have a leadership team, so each portfolio organises a different area and the stress isn't on one or two people.... I'm a Communications Leader and one of the biggest things I do is organise something called 'The Advocate'. Which is basically a four-page spread in our local...
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    HSC Journey Journal

    I FINISHED MY BIO ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little bro managed to screw up my poster, but I pretty much fixed it so it should be cool.... (fingers crossed) As for my SOR assignment, I've found some good sources and stuff, now all I need to do is plan out my essay, and my...
  4. T

    I am the only person doing MX2 - how will this affect me?

    I'm also the only person in my school doing MX2 and so far I've been enjoying it! Previously, students from my school have gone to our brother school down the road to complete the course, but due to a clash on my timetable I didn't have that option. Perhaps you could find someone from another...
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    HSC Journey Journal

    Huge SOR assignment about Moses Maimonides, stupid research portfolios will be the death of me. Not only that, there's an inclass essay as well. And it's only two weeks away, which means I'll need to be writing practice responses pretty much every day. The icing on the cake? The essay is the day...
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    How many units are you doing?

    I'm doing 14 but will most probably drop to 12 after my half-yearly's :) Dropping to 10 is completely up to you, but you should consider talking to all your subject teachers as well as your learning coordinator. See what they think as well. Good luck!
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    HSC Journey Journal

    Handed in my first assignment for the year.... and it was physics so I don't know how to feel about it :/ Plus I got back my crime essay for legal and got 25/25! haha definitely happy with that! But I'm coming second in maths and while that's in no way bad, its annoying the hell out of me that...
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    Should I drop a subject????

    Pretty much. Each school does it differently, but most schools don't require you to do adv. if you're doing extension 2 as adv. isn't counted. But if you drop ext. 2, then adv. needs to be counted and therefore you need to do the subject. Depending on how late it is in the year, you might just...
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    HSC Journey Journal

    2nd day of school and I think I'm already going crazy. The workload is fine, I seem to have more time now than I did this time last year... But maybe that's because I'm used to it? I don't know. Ad I got an SOR assignment so that'll take up some time as well. My new timetable has 3 hours of...
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    HSC Journey Journal

    Yeah but then again, a lot of topics are 'hard' to write... I know that my creative writing skills are very weak, so I might just hand it in and see what happens.
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    HSC Journey Journal

    I'm not sure what your class is doing ShadowLighte... Maybe we've started at different parts of the syllabus? Also, the assessments at my school tends to go into a lot more detail than the syllabus requires :/
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    HSC Journey Journal

    Thanks, I need it :/
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    Should I drop a subject????

    Hmmm are you dropping straight away? And yeah a lot of people I know don't regret dropping at all, maybe it's just me being paranoid. Thanks though :)
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    HSC Journey Journal

    So I've been working on a creative writing story for English about belonging and I got a really good idea (or what I think is a good idea) but I'm not sure about whether or not I should use it. The story is about belonging and it fits the criteria, but the content is a bit iffy. It's basically...
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    HSC Journey Journal

    Oh the subject is interesting, but maths tutoring is just boring bc I don't know anyone in my class and they're all ridiculously smart and go to selective schools and stuff :/
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    HSC Journey Journal

    Is maths tutoring as boring for everyone else as it is for me? Longest two hours of my life... Haha but on the bright side, I've finished physics and SOR :) yayyy me
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    HSC Journey Journal

    Hmm, ok I might keep it till half-yearly's at least then. Thanks!
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    HSC Journey Journal

    This is my HSC journey hehe :) Feel free to comment or help me out or ask for advice whatever! So back to school in 4 days for me :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: And the first thing I hope to do is drop MX2, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much work and I'm probs gonna fail anyway. I have an english creative...
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    Roll Call: Class of 2014

    Helloooooooo, I do, adv. english, mx1, mx2 (dropping this though, lol), physics, biology, legal studies, studies of religion II I don't really have a goal per se, but I'm aiming for around 97-ish :) In terms of uni- it'd be an absolute dream to go to University of Melbourne and do Adv...