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  1. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    You are not well very well versed in the language of internet. meant toward shuggadady or whatever his name is.
  2. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    Public forum, I'm staying, If you leftists/femenists/libertarians don't like me and WON'T GIVE ME A REASON TO GET OUT, then you can get out.
  3. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    I'm I'm not. Why?
  4. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    haha yeah they do. Meh it was good while it lasted.
  5. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    OMG. Exactly like Greece. Together, they lick America's arse and succumb to its demands.
  6. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    Do you honestly think that even a tenth of the money that people donate goes to Africa? If it did, we would have some, not alot, but some improvement.
  7. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    And allowing them into Australia, with a ticket to let them do whatever the fuck they like will help this HOW? Maybe if governments spent more moniez on AID, shit would be better in Africa. But no.
  8. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    Ah Norway.
  9. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    Where are your parents from?
  10. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    Gaddafi gave free health care, free electricity and a house to everyone. Granted he was a loopy fuck at times, but he was good at other times. YOU'RE kidding yourself.
  11. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    Some of the dictators you denounce actually improved the living standards of their countries. Gaddafi is one of them.
  12. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    My parents are from Mediterranean Europe. In particular, Greece.
  13. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    You trollin'?
  14. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    Deep South uses that as well. Bloody affective.
  15. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

  16. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    thank you.
  17. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    they can bury us in consecutive graves, my head actually hurts.
  18. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    Actually, both my parents came here in the 70's. They came here legally, and they didn't make a long list of demands, unlike the immigrants of today. They worked their arses off, and today are quite successful. But to be honest, I have no real love for this country.
  19. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    I'm just not interested in seeing countries whose inhabitants are still quite....ummm, savage.
  20. na110793

    Illegal Immigrants

    I was born here, but I don't liek to call myself an Aussie.