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  1. sy37

    Can someone ELI5 to me macroeconomic / microeconomic policies

    I keep stuffing up on these, there's macroeconomic, microeconomic, fiscal, monetary, do they all link?
  2. sy37

    CSSA Physics Trial Thoughts

    Fairly straight forward, got the stuff I studied down right. I loved the michelson morley question <3. I bullshitted alot about the need for AC generators or whatever, but made logical sense from what I've read. Projectile motion question got me hard, I didn't study it at all :\. Some multiple...
  3. sy37

    Advance to standard?

    As much as I agree with you, your spelling / punctuation isn't helping your point lol. But OP, listen to this.
  4. sy37

    quick physics Q for angles

    I remember a while ago reading that in some magnetic field set ups, the angle will always be 90?
  5. sy37

    quick physics Q for angles

    if the magnetic field is directed into the page, will the angle always be 90 when calculating the force on a nucleus? Any other times?
  6. sy37

    CSSA trial standard english paper 2 modules. What were your thoughts?

    whole paper was ez, did all my essays the day before and adapted them so easily
  7. sy37

    Why do we study English?

    to keep english teachers employed thus increase the employment rate and sustain economic growth so savings can increase so australia's CAD doesn't deteriorate and hence, maintain low crime rates you do english to minimise crime does that make sense? No? Neither does english. get at it...
  8. sy37

    Can anyone ELI5 these for me please I hate M & G so much..

    How exactly are eddy currents induced, and when? Why?
  9. sy37

    HELP: Chadwick's discovery of the neutron

    1. Chadwick fired alpha particles towards a beryllium target 2. This interaction between the alpha particles and beryllium target produced radiation (i.e. the alpha particles knocked the neutrons off) 3. This radiation was directed towards a paraffin wax block, here it produced a hydrogen...
  10. sy37

    How to increase photocurrent

    1. Increasing the surface area for photo reception (more photons can strike) 2. Increasing the intensity of light source (more photons per area)
  11. sy37

    faradays law

    Faraday's law is simple. Imagine a guitar ok? How do you produce sound? You simply do the thing to the strings with your fingers, kind of like your "cutting them". Well, the strings are now magnetic field lines, and your guitar just disappeared. BOOM. science, bitch. OK. Like the guitar...
  12. sy37


    All the formulas by topic are here on BOS
  13. sy37


    One factor that causes orbital decay is atmospheric drag by the collision of the satellite with particles in the air. How do you reduce this collision? 1. Decrease the surface area of the satellite 2. Increase that altitude of the satellite
  14. sy37

    Rocket's acceleration in terms of law of conservation of momentum

    Essentially it just wants you to know that the /\P(gases) = /\P(rocket) and thus /\mv(gases) = /\mv(rocket) This means the backward momentum of the gases equals the forward momentum of the rocket, which is how the rocket acquires forward velocity. The momentum of the exhaust gases stays...
  15. sy37

    I just found out you can edit titles by double clicking their name on the thread list

    Re: So.. fellow 15'ers, what after HSC? nah gives u autismic cancer of mercury /s
  16. sy37

    Trials > HSC?

    I've looked through some past HSC CSSA Physics papers and honestly, they're pretty fucking hard compared to last year, and the year before, HSC.
  17. sy37

    I just found out you can edit titles by double clicking their name on the thread list

    Re: So.. fellow 15'ers, what after HSC? tbh i just want to freelance you know those niche gaming / hacking forums with those select few coder that are respected by everyone in the community and rake in big $$$ just making stuff? Yeah, those.
  18. sy37

    Trial Paper Question

    Photographic film isn't really an instrument
  19. sy37

    I just found out you can edit titles by double clicking their name on the thread list

    What are you planning on doing after HSC? For me, I've never really been too sure. I've never been good at one particular thing, never particularly excelled at one subject. Just been pretty good at everything, not too bad whilst not too good either (unless you count my 99.7% avg in 9-10 IST...
  20. sy37

    CSSA chemistry people

    We don't negotiate with 0 reppers