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  1. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Newspoll backed up the Lonergan results precisely. That article was written before a string of traditional phone polling pretty much confirmed the results the robopolls were getting. They also have a good track record in US elections.
  2. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Both Newspoll and Lonergan are showing that Rudd will lose his seat. Terrible marginal seat polling in Tasmania and QLD out today. They are going backwards in the national Nielsen poll. All indications are that the negative scare campaign has failed to resonate. Unfortunately for Labor thats...
  3. Rafy

    Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread 2013

    So just saw the original cover of the now censored honi.
  4. Rafy

    2013 Federal election People in ALP campaign HQ already backgrounding to journalists about Rudd and his faltering campaign. The blame game has...
  5. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Looks like Rudd recruiting Peter Beattie for Forde is backfiring spectacularly.
  6. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Sex appeal comment certainly didn't hurt Fiona Scott. Also marginal seat polling in Robertson and Dobell...
  7. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    There doesn't need to be a formal agreement at all. Kevin Rudd for example returned to power without formally making agreements with the cross bench. There only needs to be another election if the house votes no confidence in the incumbent PM and does not vote to give anybody else its confidence.
  8. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Evidence to back up this assertion please.
  9. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Labor's gone fully negative in their TV advertising and started bombarding marginal seats with negative attack flyers. So much for 'A New way' and wanting the 'old politics of negativity to be dead and buried'...
  10. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Do not misquote. Quote it verbatim or not at all.
  11. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    The past cycle of polling has demonstrated that Rudd has definitely peaked and is now falling back to earth. Unfortunately for him he did not peak in an election winning position. Abbott takes the lead (Nielsen 52-48 2PP to Coalition) Rudd revival stalls as he fails to boost votes for Labor...
  12. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    That same day Fairfax's Financial Review ran an anti-Labor editorial on their front page.
  13. Rafy

    Vote Compass This political quiz is specific to the 2013 australian election and shows where you stand in relation to the ALP, Coalition and Greens.
  14. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    The front page is an extract from their editorial and that is made clear. i.e it is an opinion piece, they make no claim it was meant to be an actual news story. Editorials and op eds are normally biased and take a particular view. Free press. Don't like it, don't read it.
  15. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Newspoll also 52-48. Significant declines in Rudd's approval ratings too.
  16. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    First poll. Reachtel. Coalition ahead 52-48. Abbott is in front as preferred PM.
  17. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Labor's (3 word) campaign slogan is 'A new way'.
  18. Rafy

    Local Government referendum

    Rudd has confirmed that the referendum will not proceed.
  19. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Statement released confirming Rudd has called an election for September 7
  20. Rafy

    2013 Federal election

    Rudd is now at Government House meeting the Governor-General. Yes, he could decide to have a longer campaign period. 7th is just the first possible date.