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  1. icycledough

    multiple choice tips?

    I can't give you specific advice for S&C as I didn't do it, but I can give you some general pointers on MC: 1) If possible, have a small book of the questions you get wrong and categorize them into modules or topics (that way, you will have an understanding of which area you need to work on)...
  2. icycledough

    morning of afternoon exams

    In the morning before an afternoon exam, so for example, last year, I believe 4U was at 1:50. So the morning of the exam, I would just go over notes and formulas I had written for each topic, look over a small book I had made for difficult questions categorized by topic and overall, just didn't...
  3. icycledough


    I don't do biology, so am not fully read up on the topic this would fall under. However, through a Google search of vector transmission and breaking down what the other two mean, I think it's indirect contact. Do you have the answers to the question?
  4. icycledough

    hsc math q

    So like mentioned above, with 4U for example, there's 10 MC, then Q11 to 16 (which obviously have sub-questions). Multiple choice is done on a separate piece of paper. Each question is given 1 specific booklet, with the question number and a box where you have to tick your maths level. Then, if...
  5. icycledough

    flu symptoms

    It is very harsh, but yes, that can happen. I recall that happening to someone in my cohort last year, who had to leave the English exam having written one essay, I believe.
  6. icycledough

    VENT: Read if you want I guess.

    As bad as the situation must be, I'd say the best thing for you to do is to just not worry about it and just continue putting in the hard work in exams. Your own performance is definitely something in your hands and something you can control, whereas other events like this are not in your...
  7. icycledough

    English Paper 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    I'm not sure what you think of it, but they look like quite competent answers which would be in a Band 6 range (if not, a high Band 5 range). I won't say that your short answer questions were easier or harder than in previous years, as I haven't actually looked at the texts and questions yet...
  8. icycledough

    Stressed out

    I agree with where you're coming from, as you have pretty much guaranteed entry into the course you want to do, but still remember that as the HSC is based on collective success, not trying as hard as you would otherwise could possibly be detrimental to other students, as you want to maximise...
  9. icycledough

    2021 BoS MX2 exam

    Interesting ... I was trying to decide between 6 and 8 for the questions answered least successfully, so it makes sense. I guess there were quite a few questions I would have thought would have been the most successful by candidates, so it was kind of a juggle. If you don't mind answering, how...
  10. icycledough

    When to start prepping for UCAT?

    Well, I'm in university now, so had much more time available to prepare than a HSC student would. To start off, I would spend 2-3 hours a day but as I got closer and had more time, I ramped it up to around 6-7 hours a day. This may seem quite a bit, but I was consistently doing practice exams...
  11. icycledough

    Economics HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Haha yh fair enough, that's what a lot of people tend to say about the languages. In honesty, I had been doing it since Year 7 and just seemed to enjoy it, so I thought at the end of each year that I would carry it through another year
  12. icycledough

    Economics HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Chemistry, Latin Advanced and Latin Extension (11 units)
  13. icycledough

    Economics HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    As someone who thrived on Maths (pretty much depended on it to get my overall grades up) throughout 6 years at high school, I do take some offence to that. But jokes though, I guess it's what your preference is at the end of the day; some people will be maths and science oriented, other people...
  14. icycledough

    Advanced math or Standard math with a bridging course later on?

    Medicine definitely doesn't test maths further than a standard level (I believe just knowing how to solve simple equations should be enough); the reason why many students doing medicine will do the higher levels of Maths (4U, 3U) is because of its greater scaling and also because of their...
  15. icycledough

    Using accelerated prelim units as my prelim units in year 11

    So a minimum of 2 units of English has to count for every student. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that say if Extension 2 was your lowest scoring subject, then it wouldn't be counted (as Extension 2 is just one unit more than Extension 1). So say if your subjects were: 4U Maths 3U Maths...
  16. icycledough

    Using accelerated prelim units as my prelim units in year 11

    I was just curious (I've finished my HSC last year btw), but for me, I also did 11 units. My extension unit final mark was 90 and my lowest HSC mark for one of my 2 unit subjects was 82. So obviously, the best units would comprise of the extension unit and half of the 2 unit subject. Would NESA...
  17. icycledough

    how to cram for maths

    I'd say, as had been mentioned above, to approach it in a 3 step methodical manner. 1) Go through the topics you are not confident or thorough in, using textbook questions to assist you 2) Do open book exams (still under timed conditions) 3) Do closed book exams under timed conditions again...
  18. icycledough

    Ocean Vuong on English Paper 1

    As you mentioned, a similar thing happened in 2017 with an Indigenous author called Ellen van Neerven with one of her poems called Mango. Regardless, it's still definitely unacceptable for the way some students have reacted to it...
  19. icycledough

    Where to go for a degree in meteorology?

    I think UoW (Wollongong) and USYD have degrees relating to meteorology (from a quick online search), but I'm not 100% sure on if it entails the field of meteorology itself or not.
  20. icycledough


    Another film I just found (a bit more contemporary) is Equals (2015). According to the link here -->, they describe it as "the modern cinematic equivalent to 1984" (it also provides a summary of what it is about)