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  1. C

    3 weeks till HSC

    Honestly, that is absolutely ridiculous.
  2. C

    Legal Studies preparation for HSC?

    I'm more worried about the 15 mark crime question considering the topic is so broad. I might practice an international crime essay, but I hope they ask about young offenders :< For the option essays, I am just practicing some guessed questions they likely will ask, since they obviously won't...
  3. C

    Extra paper in exams????

    Every student in my religion class is planning to put up our hands all at once and ask for a new question booklets. This is because they scan the 5 mark questions 11 and 22 (if you do 2 unit), so if you write beyond the given lines it may be cut off.
  4. C

    after the bomb or romanticism?

    I'm doing After the Bomb. It is by far the most boring topic I have ever done. Pick Romanticism.
  5. C

    Advice needed - i'm frustrated

    You're so damn annoying.
  6. C

    Post Trails ATAR Estimate.

    It is difficult to say without an estimate of your total marks, but somewhere in the 70s most likely.
  7. C

    Atar estimate

    They are good ranks. 95 minimum if you do well. Anything above is very possible if you smash the HSC exams.
  8. C

    ATAR Estimate pls

    Re: LEAKED XXX PICS OF KATY PERRY/KATE UPTON (lol jokes, ATAR estimate pls) Mid to high 70s, but low 80s possible.
  9. C

    internal rankings and state rank?

    This is wrong. I believe the person who is ranked 1 gets the top external mark as their internal mark, and the person who is ranked last gets the worst external mark as their internal mark, and then everyone in the middle from second last to second place gets their internal marks adjusted...
  10. C

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Got results back today– came first in everything, but my marks (and the cohorts) were lower than expected ); I did section 1 of the independent Legal trial in class today, and it was incredibly easier than the CSSA trial. Got 19/20 for multiple choice and 14/15 for human rights in the...
  11. C

    Making notes vs Buying notes?

    When I have modules I like, I make my notes in paragraphs instead of dot-points (except for history) such as for my recent Legal module and Biology module. It commits it to your memory better than reading other people's notes and requires you to think out responses to the syllabus dot point...
  12. C

    Relaxing Subjects?

    SORII is unbearably boring and is actually really difficult. Marking is quite subjective so it takes a lot of work to get a band 6 in 2 unit.
  13. C

    Ranks for a 99+ ATAR?

    You usually need a few firsts for 99+ to ensure that you get the highest HSC scored by any student in your cohort converted to your internal mark. Otherwise make sure you receive an internal mark close to the mark of the top ranking student.
  14. C

    Cssa biology

    Don't worry, they were VERY harsh at my school too. I came first in the cohort and maintained my first place ranking, but ironically received my lowest mark all year. I made too many basic errors and reckon I could lift my marks up substantially for the HSC. I think everyone needs to really...
  15. C

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Hahaha I wish! It was a typo, but he does have a pretty mad name.
  16. C

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Mr teacher says everyone f'ed up the multiple choice (Legal). I came first, but no one got a band 6 :o
  17. C

    Subject Selection Advice:

    Maybe keep them both until you get some exam results back. I kept 13 units and dropped maths after the mid term exams. I probably wouldn't recommend dropping them both at once, as you may receive good results for one of them (both scale quite well). English Extension 1 is quite boring...
  18. C

    What should I do for my Subject Selection???

    I would strongly recommend Eng Adv. You can always drop it for yr 12. Just keep in mind that you are very likely never to get a band 6 in Standard, and if you are aiming for an ATAR over 90, Adv English is the way to go. Both require essay writing anyway and, in my opinion, History subjects (I...
  19. C

    Cssa biology

    Hahahaha it's still so random though. Do you know the answer to the pedigree question?
  20. C

    Cssa biology

    That leaf question was so retarded. I got it right (my bio teacher confirmed the answer was [a] destruction), but I had never even heard of those types of experiments before. I found that pedigree question was the hardest mc.