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  1. melsc

    Textlist - not up yet?

    yeah, they are up :) Use that link of the links in myMQ
  2. melsc

    What have you eaten today?

    Muesli with low fat lactose free milk Chicken and Avo salad (Takeaway) Oven Baked Custard and apple (Takeaway) 2 mini cadbury creme eggs 2 lamington fingers Hamburger Bleh such a junky day !
  3. melsc


    If you have either of those devices (especially if you have both) then when would you use it? I am generally not an apple fan but give them credit when its due, like the iphone is awesome (no not just for the apps) but don't worry it will sell, all the apple fan freaks will buy it just...
  4. melsc

    Parental expectations...

    Especially when your course is 5 years, even enjoying it doesn't always keep you going...bleh one more year!
  5. melsc


    This seems redundant really, if you want something small to check emails on etc you get an iphone, if you want more computing features get a netbook or laptop and if like me you have an iphone and a laptop this seems like it serves no purpose at all.
  6. melsc

    Parental expectations...

    + 1. My parents are similar. They actually said 'are you sure you want to do law, its hard to get into and hard work" they were concerned I would be disapointed if I didnt make it. I went to a school filled with people who's parents made their HSC subject and uni course decisions, almost all...
  7. melsc

    one music taste a deterrent?

    I really don't care I wouldn't like to be judged on my music tastes and I would thus not do that to someone else (particularly because I know some of the stuff I like makes music elitists want to trow up). My b/f and I have some cross overs in tastes but generally its quite different but it...
  8. melsc

    Highest law WAMs / GPAs

    ditto but for arts
  9. melsc

    The Coffee Thread

    I prefer local coffee places, Gloria Jeans etc so expensive. The city is great because coffee is so cheap. Uni is my favourite place because they have lactose-free milk rather than just soy. On the way to work: Strathfield Station - C.C's Chargrill In the City - That organic place in Martin...
  10. melsc

    Units 2010

    They seem to open tute reg early but not results lol.
  11. melsc

    Is there a minimum GPA you need to graduate?

    Provided you have completed the necessary subjects and number of credit points. In most degrees you'd need to pass/cp them all but I don't believe your GPA matters
  12. melsc

    overloading and GPA

    The only way you could get away with it not counting would be to do it at another uni. E.g. a certificate of languages at MQ but I think its too late to apply for that now.
  13. melsc

    PLT Course While Finishing Uni

  14. melsc

    1st yr UWS combined law -> 2nd yr Macq Uni (Credit for Previous Studies)?

    Law Units: - Introduction to Law = MQ foundations of law - Torts Law - is the same - Foundations to Law = MQ jurisprudence - Criminal Law - Criminal law and procedure (you may have to pick up something as you wont have done the crim procedure part)
  15. melsc

    transferring from UWS for comm/law need help

    Best of luck, I know how painful it can be during the transfer process but the academic advising really helps. Just keep checking estudent :)
  16. melsc

    transferring from UWS for comm/law need help

    They'll reserve spots in subjects (i.e. so you can enrol in them) but not in particular tutes, credit for previous studies students always enrol later. People change their tutes all the time and I was in a situation like you, what I did was check the site frequently and got what I wanted in the...
  17. melsc

    transferring from UWS for comm/law need help

    They have changed it around since when I did it. I did law, lawyers and society, contracts and criminal law and procedure II then arts subjects
  18. melsc

    transferring from UWS for comm/law need help

    Well you need to be enrolled in units to pick the tute times. It depends on if you have any idea of what you should be doing. If it allows you to enrol you could do that. BTW its actually midnight tonight, I got confused. Have a look at what is eqv to what you have done and see if you can work...
  19. melsc

    "The Law Guide/FAQ" - Query.

    If anyone would like to add anything to it let me know because I have the power to do so but I do not have the time currently to re-write it.
  20. melsc

    transferring from UWS for comm/law need help

    my bad, you're right...omg thatbks for that I wouldn't have realised!