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  1. melsc

    Thai food

    mmm I had thai last night Ginger Chicken Ped Ob (I don't know what sauce is on the duck but its yummy) I had some awesome plum and cinnamon duck the other day. Lovvveee curry puffs
  2. melsc

    transferring from UWS for comm/law need help

    1. parking a bit better but not much, degree more theoretical at MQ (focus on philosophy of law)if you like the practical focus of UWS you may not like MQ that much, most classes lecture/tute rather than seminar,.. MQ has online lectures. 2. Those generally represent years but provided you...
  3. melsc

    overloading and GPA

    This, just remember you can't cram for a language, keep up with the work.
  4. melsc

    Laptops for Uni

    Re: Laptops/binders/notebooks at university, what do you reccomend? I prefer a laptop because I can access the net, have all my notes with me and type rather than write (because my handwriting is messy) but its a personal preference. Think about what you like and whats easier for you
  5. melsc

    PLT Course While Finishing Uni

    But you must be a UTS student for that, same with UWS. ANU and UoW are the only ones that allow non-students to do it.
  6. melsc

    How much harder is a double degree?

    Thanks, I wasn't sure about that
  7. melsc

    How much harder is a double degree?

    Its not harder, it just takes longer, you do the same number of subjects each semester as a single degree student but you study for an extra two years. I.e. I do a double degree and I do 4 subjects a semester like single degree students and the total time I will take to do my degree is 5 years.
  8. melsc

    Units 2010

    This part of what you said is correct, just be sure you do all that is required by your degree, it may have a min number of 100 level units
  9. melsc

    Is WAM kept if degree is changed?

    Is it within the same uni? It will always be on your transcripts, as far as I understand though WAM or GPA does not usualy include units from other institutions, I am not sure about within the same.
  10. melsc

    what's harder, getting 90+ ATAR or getting distinction + (6+ gpa)

    Yours is more relevant to the OP, I maintain uni is harder though,.
  11. melsc

    what's harder, getting 90+ ATAR or getting distinction + (6+ gpa)

    Do you actually go to uni? I don't agree at all.
  12. melsc

    Is ANU HONESTLY Good for Undergraduate Law?

    This, my best academics have been those who have practiced, there are so many I've had in the past that have been hired for their research etc and they know so much stuff but in the end they just can't teach what they can be very frustrating
  13. melsc

    what's harder, getting 90+ ATAR or getting distinction + (6+ gpa)

    Uni, there is more content, taught in far less time, no spoon feeding, varied assessment and higher expectations = harder marking...
  14. melsc


    It will be on connect books prior to each semester
  15. melsc

    Macq Blaws

    You may be able to do that, talk to the academic advisor because straight law people would do more than the first four units. Your case will probably allow you to do it.
  16. melsc


    Yes but you're the one who is so concerned over it, they were replying to you. The moral of the story is, just don't do it!
  17. melsc


    As I said while it may not be plagiarism, if it is prohibited by the uni plagiarism policy and will be treated as if it is then thats all the OP needs to know. Honestly stop being so pedantic about the word, even law students don't argue this much over semantics. The OP did not want to have a...
  18. melsc

    Macq Blaws

    Law has a massive workload so I would not advise overloading anyway. You may be able to speed it up bydoing some electives over summer or taking a subject or two out of turn, but you'd have to convince the academic advisor to give you a waiver. It really depends, in some cases there are a good...
  19. melsc


    YES it is not strictly plagiarism, but most uni plagiarism policies prohibit it so seriously who cares what you call it, it is not allowed. The uni is not going to excuse it because, it is not the correct use of the term.
  20. melsc

    Is there any way of getting 95+ with these subjects?

    Dude, as long as you are good at and are interested in your subjects anything is possible. I did Eng (Adv), Legal Studies, French (Cont), Italian (Beg) and IPT and ended up with a bit less than 95...not too shabby considering I had 3 band 6's a band 5 and a band 4. Moral is as long as you like...