Search results

  1. L

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    Did you take commerce in 9 and 10? If so, offered accelerated or?
  2. L

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    Do you plan to do maths ext 2?
  3. L

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    I know that many year 10s have been notified that they will be choosing their subjects next term with some already chosen their subjects. With subject selection and career pathways: What are you subjects? Possible future subjects? (e.g ext 2 maths, ext 2 eng) Were you offered an accelerated...
  4. L

    How would i choose more than 12 units?

    Well this is this problem y'all (trying to sound cool haha obviously not working) there are subjects that i really want to do in year 11 but for sure i want to drop in year 12 and ive had my 12 units picked Ext 1 maths Adv eng Bio Chem Physics Business/modern But i want to choose music...
  5. L

    Should i do everything i want to do before the hsc?

    Not sure if joking or serious...... I ruled fast food industries out as an option because i heard they treat their employees like absolute crap
  6. L

    Thoughts on year 9 and 10 from a different perspective?

    Well this is a question to all your older year >11 How was year 10 compared to whatever year you are in now? Did you think you should've put in more effort or loosen up and relaxed? How were your grades? Did you always stress when you weren't in the top ten of your classes? Any jobs...
  7. L

    Should i do everything i want to do before the hsc?

    I want to do everything before hscs, because i hear that all you do is study when hsc comes around. I currently do parkour and tricking but i was wondering if i should apply for a part time job before i hit year 11 and year 12, should i? And i were to do apply for a job, where would i start...
  8. L

    Subject Selections - Is Extension Math for me?

    IPT and Modern History? Damn, what are you aiming to be?
  9. L

    What are the benefits of doing 4 unit maths?

    Only a handful actually love maths from what i know... you either started studying from a young age and starting topping everyone when you were like 10 or you only realised the importance of education and actually started studying ...
  10. L

    Subject Selection - Science Or Business?

    Appreciate your story and insight a lot. I know it's only going to be harder when i finish high school but at least i can keep that fire going once i'm (hopefully) in a prestigious or at least decent uni, knowing that i've made the right decisions in life. Not saying that people who choose an...
  11. L

    Any have some yearlies?

    I've seen posts where tests have been linked for other year 10's yearlies but to that i say "please sir, can i have some more?" :read: But in all seriousness, does anyone still have some revision notes for 10 or past papers for the follow subjects: - Maths - Science - English - History -...
  12. L

    Subject Selection - Science Or Business?

    hahahaha well at least i'll die a hero :tongue:
  13. L

    What are the benefits of doing 4 unit maths?

    Well lets hope future me can deal with that crap.
  14. L

    Subject Selection - Science Or Business?

    sorry mr. IAmSoSuccessfulBecauseEverythingWentWellForMe
  15. L

    Subject Selection - Science Or Business?

    We can't pull all nighters once we're like 50 man, life doesn't work that way hahaha at least future you will be looking back at past you and be like "hahahaha i remember when i use to pull all nighters, that was the shit", instead of "damn felt like i didn't live life enough"
  16. L

    What are the benefits of doing 4 unit maths?

    It never hurts to suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion ! but in all seriousness, i don't mind maths. I don't mind any subject in fact. I believe that everyone can be an all-rounder but some people just put more effort in than others. But extension 2 is quite difficult... but...
  17. L

    Subject Selection - Science Or Business?

    hahaha i know people say "HSC isn't the only way to a successful career" but damn don't forget it sure is the quickest and it never hurts to lose a few sleepness nights while you're still young. You have to suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.
  18. L

    Subject Selection - Science Or Business?

    If i were to choose business would it benefit me in any way to study 3 unit maths, seeing that atar for business studies related topics are 92+ atar. + how is the pay, what are the chances of getting a well paying job and would i get to wear a suit to work every day (sorry, i may be 15 but...
  19. L

    Subject Selection - Science Or Business?

    If i were to choose a science course and not choose 4 unit maths. Would there be a good chance of having an atar of 90+ (considering that i chose all of the science related, adv english, ext 1 maths, etc)
  20. L

    What are the benefits of doing 4 unit maths?

    Why is it that only a few people actually choose to do 4 unit maths? At my school there's only a handful amount of people who do extension 2 maths but my mate in year 12 said, "i COULD'VE chosen to study ext 2 but i chose not to" Is it too hard for most people? I mean I hear it scales...