Re: Einstein's going down, physicists!
But it's not travelling at c, it's travelling faster meaning the mass would be a complex number.
Edit: But since energy is directly related to mass and energy must be real numerator must also be imaginary to produce a net real number meaning rest mass must...
Haha my official education in physics only extends as far as the HSC, but if Tachyons exist it will have pretty incredible ramifications for us, faster than light communications, i'm also quite sure i read somewhere that it could be theoretically possible to send messages back in time.
It doesn't necessarily violate special relativity, special relativity does allow for the existence of theoretical particles which always travel faster than the speed of light (Tachyons), so this experiment might be the first evidence of tachyons? Meaning that neutrinos have the ability to act as...
Re: Einstein's going down, physicists!
You have to remember that the model of special relativity has withstood 100 years of testing, even if the measurements are completely correct it would probably be due to an incomplete version of relativity rather than a meaning it's entirely wrong.
Re: Umat
^ 100% true, the guy in our grade who got 98th percentile has about the empathetic capability of a teaspoon but aced all the sections, he even said he doesn't care about med he just wants the money.
Re: Do you believe is God?
I can understand why some people believe in a god. What i don't understand is how people can believe in a specific organised religion.