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  1. TheKing


    zinc is a passivating metal.... i think
  2. TheKing

    faraday galvani volta davy

    historically/chronologically its actually Galvani, Volta, Davy THEN Faraday if you actually try, you might be able to find something on it from, say your textbook?
  3. TheKing

    Coloured skin

    hoped i helped.... and didn't make a fool out of myself
  4. TheKing

    Coloured skin

    i think it might be vitamin D and that overproduction/deprivation of that has a direct link with some health problem... i'm very vauge cause i just remember it from somewhere ages ago... edit: it is vitamin D and the diseases associated with it are rickets and osteomalacia. Darker skinned...
  5. TheKing

    Coloured skin

    Uh its to do with UV penetration. People with darker skin usually absorb/create less of the (?) vitamine (can't remember the letter), less skin problems e.g cancers. just because a place is colder doesn't mean that it doesnt receive alot of sunlight. Heat does not have a direct effect on...
  6. TheKing

    effect of light on phenotype of plant

    It would be alot easier if you could learn how to type and spell properly. This is basically gene expression, the idea is that genes expressed can be affected by the environment. That is, as the plant is deprived of light the gene the produces chlorophyll is switched off as it is not required...
  7. TheKing

    Titration Comp

    and plus i was given a 20ml pippette instead of a 25mL.... less volume that i titred against therefore less accurate.... dodgy privos
  8. TheKing

    Titration Comp

    yea well the shore guys had their results to like 2dp and the equipment was only accurate/marked to one dp that is for example if the sample took 24.5ml to neutralise they would some how have like 24.53 or something i mean i can understand 24.55 but that had like 0.03 and 0.04 and stuff...
  9. TheKing

    chemistry teachers mistakes

    shhhhh its not true.... but i am good looking and smart... and smart
  10. TheKing

    Team Angela

    huh who the hell is gargle?
  11. TheKing

    Team Angela

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Is anyone else going in the titration competition on at SHORE? this saturday.... its seems a bit geeky and early in the morning... hm... yes.... now i'm just doodling for the sake of doodling.... what can you do? it keeps me occupied but it is...
  12. TheKing

    Where are you up to?

    hm..... i think we've nearly finished chem monitoring and shipwrecks i really short....
  13. TheKing

    Help: write an equation

    as you said... its simple do it yourself... if you don't know the formulas check the textbook lazy bastard
  14. TheKing

    not in syllabus

    i do HSC chem and HSC bio but we don't talk about the kreb cycle...
  15. TheKing

    too many units?? advice?

    faith and belief in oneself saves alot of time. its relaxing doing only ten no point in wasting my time doing something that i dont enjoy and isn't going to count
  16. TheKing


    well then i have to ask you to prove it wrong... just because it can't be proven to be completely correct does not mean that it is incorrect.
  17. TheKing

    standard of answers in Success One

    its called hybridisation of DNA that is a molecule/enzyme/protein is isolated and the DNA strip for the geen is split and they put the two serparated strands(for the different orangisms) together and measure the number of i'm pretty sure hydrogen bonds... that establishes how closely related...
  18. TheKing


    well everyone seems to be ready to ask and take and well... how many of these people actually post and answer and give back?
  19. TheKing

    info on this dot point

    yes i think that all will agree when i say that i am "THE KING"
  20. TheKing


    hm.... so everyone is willing and able to ask for help but not willing to actually help.... such nice giving people....