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    everyones studying? ahh

    LOL! HELL NO! Just relax! This holiday is our last holiday to literally have fun and bludge. I think in our yr11 holidays, we will need to study because of work and exams. and plus, i dont think we will get another bludgy holiday like this until we finish the HSC
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    FENCING... lol

    How do you do fencing? Do you race with somebody to see who puts up a fence the fastest? :s
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    The School where everyones a genius

    ahahhzz... agree :D the article is BULLSHIT!
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    Your utopia.

    1.France 2.Italy 3.UK
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    Return to School! How do you feel?

    oh gosh! i cant believe most of yous are excited. :O i'm actually scared and nervous (going to yr11 is a big giant step to take after year 10)
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    [POST HERE] if you are going SMSHS '09

    Thanks for answering (:
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    School Certificate Help.

    Yeaa... i heard that too. I heard that our year is the last year to do the SC
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    How many page exercise book should i buy for year 11?

    It can't? :O So you only get tested on what you learn in yr12? Man, someone should make a another thread for new yr11'ers to ask questions
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    [POST HERE] if you are going SMSHS '09

    What does SMSHS stand for?
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    Most Loved, Hated and Boring Subject

    Love- Math hate- History Boring- English
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    How many page exercise book should i buy for year 11?

    I think so. Isn't yr11 the foundation or the basic stuff you learn for yr 12? Don't trust me on my answer. i'm not too sure