Search results

  1. S

    Estimate me

    I want those ranks....
  2. S

    Worst scaling? Or close to?

    SDD scales the best outa the three look at the HSC/UAC Scaling document. dunno where you can find it though. ask around on the net somewhere
  3. S

    Actuarial Studies

    learn english or go to china to learn actuarials
  4. S

    Is it possible to survive the year with 14 units for HSC?

    Get your facts right you dumb fuck.
  5. S

    Domain and range for inverse function

    my bad. what they said. it looks like a x^3 curve
  6. S

    Domain and range for inverse function

    domain and range are the same
  7. S

    Do you cheat?

    cheating is an advantage. get over it. if you can do it successfully, you deserve the marks.
  8. S

    Does anybody else dislike Julia Gillard?

    Rothbard for prime minister. Seems to know a lot.
  9. S

    ESL / Advanced ?

    ESL scales better. the LULZ
  10. S

    hey need help with an outfit

    Something similar.
  11. S

    Will I Get an ATAR of 95+ for these subjects?

    656 Govt Casula High School 2008 rankking
  12. S

    Resources Super Profit Tax Thread

    I completely support the idea from an economic perspective. Basically the government is saying that they will TAX ACCORDING TO PROFITS, meaning that lower profits = lower tax (vice verca). The problem with this idea is that the threshold, which is measured off the long term government bond rate...
  13. S

    Bring It on

    I can never dance again.....
  14. S

    english assigment help PLEASE

    go fuck yourself.
  15. S

    BIT/BSc UNSW vs. USYD vs. UTS

    thats what I thought... but reallly.... wow
  16. S

    Standard english rant

    Mate i can manipulate my face:
  17. S

    BIT/BSc UNSW vs. USYD vs. UTS

    So why the fuck is BIT 97.05 in Usyd when Unsw have the best IT/Eng department. This means that the course i want to get into (combined degree - BIT/BSc) is 99.45 (at my preferred uni). Comparatively at UNSW this is 91 and UTS is prolly lower. Care to explain why someone? :angry::cry:
  18. S

    Should I choose Economic?

    OP: I am being brutally honest here. Unless you can improve your englsih, there is no point in doing economics or legal, although the standard required is less than that for any English Course. From your posts, I can clearly see how you keep missing verb tenses and make other small gramatical...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    ... is shit.
  20. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    religion is retarded. but on the otherhand i also think religion is what keeps the world population in check (afterall, all wars are based on it... hitler hated jews. bush hated muslims. singlese hated hindu tamils... etc.)