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  1. Will Shakespear

    Homosexuality in Australia

    do you believe that women should be forced to marry their rapists? yes/no.
  2. Will Shakespear

    Rise of Anarcho-capitalism on BOS

    the full spectrum from libertarian socialist to minarchist to anarcho-capitalist :hat:
  3. Will Shakespear

    Strange shocking offer

    uh guys, this was a year ago, lol i wonder what became of NorthRiversMatt
  4. Will Shakespear

    Is UNCLE newcastle uni?

    It calls itself UoN now because they realised it sounds trendier Unfortunately UAC and hence everyone else still have them as UNCLE There were some moves within the uni to to change its abbreviation to iUni 2.0, but these were not successful.
  5. Will Shakespear

    too many international students

    yeah sure that's what they all said about the "wogs", and look how many businesses they run/proprerties they own now :cool: anglos are just fat n lazy
  6. Will Shakespear

    Homosexuality in Australia

    they're a product of everyone being babysat by disney films up to age 5 imo
  7. Will Shakespear

    Debating things in circles on BOS

    speaking of which i wanna know, why does this place attract so many people with extreme views about israel & palestine? like for aussie teenagers, some of them just care way too much :S
  8. Will Shakespear

    too many international students

    In a couple of decades all our upper management and social, cultural and political leaders will be indian or chinese :cool:
  9. Will Shakespear

    too many international students

    can anyone here honestly say that if they had to go to china for uni that they'd learn mandarin and try to make as many chinese friends as possible, in preference to hanging out with the other aussies? :S EDIT: or say Burkina Faso or something, since smartarses will say they already know...
  10. Will Shakespear

    Does God exist?

    is this guy a troll or what?
  11. Will Shakespear

    Homosexuality in Australia

    various appendages like vestigial tails? (image search it yourself)
  12. Will Shakespear

    Debating things in circles on BOS

    We have to rid each successive hsc cohort of their beliefs BoS: Athe-izing australia, one school year at a time :cool:
  13. Will Shakespear

    B Science

    also if you do bio, there's no labs in the content subjects, just a lab-only sub in 2nd semester, so that makes it easier
  14. Will Shakespear

    B Science

    ~1 chapter per week of 1st year level textbooks (can't really describe this, u have to pick one up) in content per subject plus labs (3 hours each) for each subject probably could
  15. Will Shakespear

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    hsc 09 you're part of the problem
  16. Will Shakespear

    Cheating on the HSC. How much of it goes on?

    James Ruse is synonymous with systematic cheating at all levels, with a totally complicit Board of Studies
  17. Will Shakespear

    The Woolworths Thread

    I reckon it's a generational thing Only a young person would actually think about how many bags used times how many woolworths times 365 (plus same for coles etc.) on the spot like that baby boomers or older are more egocentric imo
  18. Will Shakespear

    terrible classical music jokes

    also not classical but What's the definition of perfect pitch? When you throw a banjo in a dumpster and it smashes a piano accordian
  19. Will Shakespear

    terrible classical music jokes

    :lol: What's the difference between a violin and a viola? There is no difference. The violin just looks smaller because the violinist's head is so much bigger. What's the difference between a violin and a fiddle? A fiddle is fun to listen to.