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  1. PrettyOddProlix

    The role of the bible Don't treat literature like toilet paper, but don't treat it like the be all and end all. Fucking hell, fuck religion and Stephen C. Meyer, by the way.
  2. PrettyOddProlix

    Snow Patrol's new album

    LALALA, DON'T CARE, CUZ THESE FAGGOTS USED TO PASS THEMSELVES OFF, WHENEVER IT WAS, AS BELLE & SEBASTIAN. Lol, I don't feel bad about these guys; though I do love B&S. :p I doubt they've released anything awesome, so whatever.
  3. PrettyOddProlix

    Latin Motto's?

    C17 actually. Much later in his life.
  4. PrettyOddProlix

    Latin Motto's?

    Oh. Cuz Harvard uses it.
  5. PrettyOddProlix

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Tolerate them. Give them equal rights and shit; let them join the army, so long as they don't assfuck anyone. Give them a San Fran., and that's all. It's the HIV-AIDS. Depends on crime. Meh. No marriage, as it's between man and woman. Civil partnership and a ... a pink triangle for each and all? :p
  6. PrettyOddProlix


    But Philosophy of Law isn't the same as Jurisprudence, is it? Isn't there also a considerably lower-UAI Legal Studies or something?
  7. PrettyOddProlix

    Latin Motto's?

    To the stars, to higher things, to infinity, to perfection, to major glory (usually, it's Diem, of God), to pleasure, to that which must be returned/renewed, to victory, to eternal life, etc.
  8. PrettyOddProlix

    Internet filtering: You can't opt-out

    No Great Firewall of Australia thanks.
  9. PrettyOddProlix

    Latin Motto's?

    Truth? So what? More than Harvard uses it. ad astra, ad altiora, ad infinitum, ad perfectionem, ad maiorem gloriam, ad libitum, ad referendum, ad victoriam, ad vitam aeternam, etc.
  10. PrettyOddProlix

    What album(s) did you listen to today?

    Basia Bulat - Oh, My Darling Metro Station - Metro Station MGMT - Time to Pretend EP The Shins - Oh, Inverted World The Shins - Wincing the Night Away The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow
  11. PrettyOddProlix

    Who has been the greatest live act ever?

    NIN live is something not to be missed, much less for any NIN fan.
  12. PrettyOddProlix

    What about Pinks new album, Funhouse

    Haven't listened to it in full, but I think the premise and context of the album is just sad; her breakup with that racer ex of hers. I think it'll be shit.
  13. PrettyOddProlix

    I don't have enough units!

    I actually don't care. I'm happy with not doing Senior Science, and with what I've done/am doing/will do.
  14. PrettyOddProlix

    What album(s) did you listen to today?

    Kate Nash - Made of Bricks Amanda Palmer - Who Killed Amanda Palmer of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping Deerhoof - Offend Maggie
  15. PrettyOddProlix

    UWS interviews are out

    What? I'm just wandering into this thread, which is probably out of my jurisdiction. Sorry. Edit: :D
  16. PrettyOddProlix

    UWS interviews are out

    Don't be a pretentious prat; written English isn't spoken English, and there isn't a noticeable, if any, linguistic difference between "ýour" and "ýou're". As for those of you who think you'd like to go on holidays or Schoolies, fix up your priorities. That is low, lol.
  17. PrettyOddProlix

    can i get misadventure for period pain...

    I think there may be something with your friend and hear meant-to-be monthly cycle. So anyway, I felt crappy today, but persisted and persevered, and din't bother with the misadventure slips.
  18. PrettyOddProlix

    whats with smart people asking for UAI estimates?

    Ahaha. I like you. :p The way you voiced your victimisation by Asian Parent Syndrome is much more realistic than that attention-seeking kid. You really didn't, and that's the thing. :) Good luck.
  19. PrettyOddProlix

    I don't have enough units!

    Nup. You can't do Earth and Environmental Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Agriculture with Senior Science, aka Sped Science. No such.