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  1. D

    Coaching rates?

    i charge $10/hr, only cause i'm still a student and not a very top one at that.
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    Conics Questions

    @ is both the parameter and the angle, for example say x^2+y^2=1 is represented by the parametric co ordiantes x=cos@, y= sin@ or P(cos@, sin@) lets say the angle in the circle is pi/4, you substitue that into the equation as the parameter and you will get x = cos(pi/4) = 1/sqrt(2) and y =...
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    Conics Questions

    question 2 the algebra gets very messy and i'm incredibly slow at typing, but a way to solve it is find the equation of the tangent to the hyperbola in terms of x,y and @, then solve simultaneously with the circle eliminating y, so u get the equation in terms of x and @ (it will be a quadratic)...
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    Did anyone do the Duke of Edinburgh?

    i did it, only because i completed all the requirements b4 finding out about it (for bronze)
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    Basic Complex number algebra

    i've read a few threads on complex numbers here and found that either 1: i slept in class without knowing (hopefully not) or 2: my teacher skipped a whole section on it how do you do basic algabraic laws on mod-arg form complex numbers e.g arg(z1/z2) can this be simplified into...
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    Favourite Character?

    need i say?
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    2008 HSC School Rankings

    just wondering, does this ranking come directly from the HSC results or in the case of schools that offer IB, convert the IB results then add them before determining the rankings.
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    The Justice Game

    let the chain of greatness describe it Frankenstein>Blade Runner>belonging>Hamlet>nothing!>the justice game read 100 pages of frankenstein in 1 hour and read 1 page of the justice game in 100 hours
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    Which sport do u prefer???

    None of the sports i like is up there :S swimming, cross country, badminton, table tennis, tennis, squash, atheletics, chess. no need to tell me i suck at teamwork
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    Quicker Method for Long Division of Polynomials

    i tried to check it, i kept getting a wrong answer....2 hours later... i found out i did the long division wrong
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    Tabular integration instead of reccurance

    do any of you know if you can use tabular integration instead of obtaining recurrance formulas? like integral(x^n * e^x) (S = integral) f(x) : x^n, g(x) : e^x f'(x): nx^(n-1) Sg(x) : e^x f''(x)...
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    Sport that requires the most 'skills'

    I sure as hell know my sport is one of the least skillful sports: Cross Country; i'd say most skillful is gymnastics.
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    Orbiting concept

    whoa crazy stuff, just makes me want to do a physics degree more even though i only understand half of it. just a few things i didn't get: what does r bar and theta bar represent? and how did u get the first 2 lines of working a = .... and F-> = (Gmm)/r^2 * r(hat?) cause r(hat) or whatever u...
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    Distinction Course Discussion

    i guess that explains it. i blugded year 11 and only got slightly above average in some subjects especially the ones i planned to drop sigh.. i now wish i tried in year 11 cause this and physics is the kind of stuff i wanted to study in uni
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    Distinction Course Discussion

    just wondering what kind of marks did u need for cosmology? i got 92 in acc 2u and didn't get in.
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    nevermind forgot what my username was lol

    nevermind forgot what my username was lol
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    Professional paper writing

    this is just what my software design and development teacher said (i don't necessarily agree on it) titles and subtitles use san serif fonts and normal writing uses serif fonts if handed by paper, use san serif fonts for everything if u submit by computer because the printer goes deeper down in...
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    A question on graphing waves

    if your good at maths you can find the equation of both waves and use trig identidies or auxillery angle method to easily draw it.