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  1. Survivor39

    American Idol

    Oh man...there is this chick singing "A Moment Like This' on tuesday. HAHAHAHA so funny.. Hawaii on tuesday! wooohoo
  2. Survivor39

    Winter/Summer Session

    huh?? But I am doing Gen ed in the first year.
  3. Survivor39

    I am Stuck in the "What Now?" Stage

    Ok, I pick all my courses and the times. How come the "What now" box is not ticked?? The rest of the boxes are not ticked as well. What should I do?
  4. Survivor39

    ARGH! Help please. This is strange!

    lol. nope, doens't work Anyway, it's working now. i have to go through the "long" way enrol the psychology first before the other ones.
  5. Survivor39

    ARGH! Help please. This is strange!

    I am picking my course for Semester 2. I picked Pyschology 1 B for 5336 LEC 0001 Mon 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (Weekly*) Mon 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (Weekly*) Wed 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Weekly*) Thu 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (Weekly*) but once I clicked "Continue" It show up as the wrong...
  6. Survivor39

    Winter/Summer Session

    Wnter/Summer Session I know about Session 1 and 2. But what is the Winter/summer session?? I need to know so that I can enrol for a general education course for session 2 timetable. Please help!!
  7. Survivor39

    UNSW clubs & societies

    How come there is no medical Science society? And what is this society thing? Do they have weekly meetings? Do all societies have fees? and why should we join a society? Can we join multiple societies?
  8. Survivor39

    Text Books

    So there is no difference in prize if you are from UNSW or a stranger buying from the UNSW bookshop??
  9. Survivor39

    Text Books

    But do you get discount with your student ID card??
  10. Survivor39

    Text Books

    hi everyone. I got a question concering text books I already know which text book to buy for Session 1 Bio1201, and i was wondering, what's the difference if I got it now, compared to if i get it after the first lecture? Is it cheaper once I get my student ID or something?? Do I get...
  11. Survivor39

    UAI is strange

    But that's only 2 units. And remember the scaling of 4 U maths and Chem from person 1.
  12. Survivor39

    Doing B science, wants to major in psychology, but lost??

    What number fo we call to get help with picking electives? is it something like 1300 unsw something??
  13. Survivor39

    100 without 4U mahts?

    Yep You make sense mate.... Don't say anymore, if you know what I mean ;)
  14. Survivor39

    100 without 4U mahts?

    Are you serious? There is a painful story?? Oh wait, it's like studying 6 hours everyday, and going to tutor...etc. etc...right? I heard it all before. Don't worry, Pigs won't hurt you with a mod stick. i've got a mod stick too :D :D
  15. Survivor39

    100 without 4U mahts?

    hehehe, pigs just needed that ONE extra "wonder tutor" to get him a perfect UAI.
  16. Survivor39

    100 without 4U mahts?

    and ragerunner is the kind that can't count?? :D :confused:
  17. Survivor39

    So confused. Help ?

    well, if you do the foundation thing, you will waste one year before you go to uni. but if you do the certificate IV, what do you get??
  18. Survivor39

    Who Do You Want To Win?

    Strangly, yes. What aren't people voting. It's a poll for a reason :D Thanks :)
  19. Survivor39

    Who Do You Want To Win?

    Who are you rooting for to win the ONE MILLION dollars?
  20. Survivor39

    Aust. Open - Men 5 sets, Women 3??

    Just a sidenote, the Australian Open is the cheapest Grand Slam. Go Wimbledon :D