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  1. M

    Adapting your Creative to the Stimulus

    There are several ways you could show the marker that you are actually using the stimulus and one of them is actually just using it as a central element to your text in terms of a plot device or setting. IF you do decide to use the stimulus for what is presented to you, obviously if you want...
  2. M

    Got offered to tutor someone for the first time. Any tips??

    Probably a bit late but just make sure you stay organised, Keep a good record of everything down to what homework your asking them to do to what exams they have coming up, etc. The kids will love it if you have stuff prepared for them before the lesson too but that's totally up to the dynamic...
  3. M

    How does one "study" for general maths

    To be honest if your finding general maths this easy and your getting full marks even while you do your textbook questions and/or past papers you're worrying too much. Go study for other subjects and pace out your time with general maths.
  4. M

    How Important are Introductions in Essays?

    Intro's are important to really give your essay a good skeleton. You basically are providing your answer and how you will answer it in that paragraph alone. When markers read your intro they do get an indication of how your essay will progress but don't forget it's just the skeleton. Most of...
  5. M

    What can I do to study - other copy out class work when I get home

    Depending on what subject your doing sometimes just copying notes good the first time is ideal and making sure that it's legible for future study. If your doing a humanitarian subject you can rely on just doing that until the teacher sets questions for homework but don't bother rewriting your...
  6. M

    Creative writing for discovery

    Yeah you could, but don't give it away, make it subtle and when the marker/reader finds out what your drawing upon it comes as a surprise. If you can do this you're using the idea fine, but if it's bleeding obvious what your getting at and drawing upon the story becomes somewhat dull and...
  7. M

    Visual techniques to look out for????

    If your analysing a movie or a short film on top of the other great advice in this thread it's a good idea to mention camera angles. i.e. close, medium, long camera shots -> all have their own meaning.
  8. M

    Help with writing clearly

    I had the exact same problem and I found that it helped by writing a really rough first draft and get my essay out of the way in one sitting (1 hour?) helped me get out my basic ideas and all my arguments although very messy. Then once I finished writing a draft I probably edited that essay...
  9. M

    How much will maths impact my ATAR?

    Although you are going well in your other subjects, maths could really drag you down unless you start aiming for atleast a band 5 result by the HSC. It's not too late to improve that mark and your Trial exams + external HSC exam could see you ending up with a band 5 result if not a band 6. If it...
  10. M

    Writing a Speech

    If you're writing a speech usually the best way to make sure that you cover all the content without getting carried away with the speech devices is to write a full essay first that you're happy with and answers the question to the best of your ability. Once you have done that what you should...
  11. M

    Possible Stimulis for Discovery Creatives

    They could throw anything at you, sometimes even the pictures they use can be quite ambiguous. To answer any question for creative you need to make sure that you do make the focal point of your story all the concepts of discovery. e.g. show that discoveries lead to new perspectives of self...
  12. M

    Creative Writing

    If your creative writing has a Area of Study e.g. Belonging, Journey, etc. it's probably a good idea to read the rubric because it tells you some of the things you have to include to make sure that you're answering it effectively.
  13. M

    Tips for Listnening Task

    I did a listening task for my HSC and the best tip I can say is honestly make sure you know your texts really well and learn the purpose and meaning behind each of them. You really want to make sure that you are really on point during the exam and basically make sure that you can take down...
  14. M

    HELP! Thesis writing

    A thesis is usually your main argument to the question, keep it nice and broad so you can have heaps of things to argue within it. With your topic of betrayal and atonement there would be some pretty straight forward themes that would relate to that topic alone. e.g. betrayal is bad, there is...
  15. M

    Prelim Business Studies + subject indecisiveness

    Unless you're motivated to study hard on your own it sounds like you're gonna get pretty bored if you stay in business studies. In my opinion think about it seriously because unless you think you can score great marks from your own work and study it will make a huge difference if in class you do...
  16. M

    Is there even much point continuing?

    It's true, externals make a huge difference and you can easily get a band 6 if you end up acing every exam until then. Just make sure that your aiming to get full marks for every exam.
  17. M

    Is it alright to study like this

    Um, its probably a good idea to focus a lot on the exams you have first but don't completely neglect your other subjects. If you have planned out your timetable and you can fit in enough study days after your first couple exams to study for your next ones then yes it's completely fine to...
  18. M

    HELP YEAR 11 belonging task

    It explores the concept of belonging and not belonging. For one the surfer belongs to the sea, he is in control of it and in fact experiences very positive emotions when he is with it. "He thrust his joy against the weight of the sea.... in air as he in water, with delight." AND the second...
  19. M

    Help with discovery essay?

    I can help you write a pretty good essay, just PM me and I'll give you more info and we'll see what we can do.
  20. M

    Help please please p+p and letters to alice

    well Weldon talks explicitly about P&P so it shouldn't be hard to find those 2 pages but some ideas you might want to concentrate on are: - Role of women in society - Social Class Hierarchy - Education and Literature Basically if you find the links for any of those above points between the...