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  1. M

    Study all subjects or few subjects in one day?

    I found that in terms of studying you spend the most time doing maths (or science?) if your doing it right, most other subjects like humanities don't really have much study unless you consider making notes 'studying'. You'd find that on the odd occasion you would probably be doing some...
  2. M

    How do you prepare for a listening test?

    I had to do a listening test for my HSC and Preliminary exams and I can say that the best way to prepare is to know your text if they're specified. If it's a random text then make sure you know the rubric and how to form arguments.
  3. M

    How do you analyse a technique?

    This is on point, just remember at the same time when your discussing techniques keep it to one-two sentences when your trying to analyse it and don't have too many. In a response sentence you should be seeing yourself talking about a quote, 1 technique and a clear explanation of how that...
  4. M

    Discovery rubric

    Hi Royn, If you've had a look at the rubric you should recognise that having that idea of 'spiritual contentment' is on point already because that is one of the things that can be deferred through making a discovery. To be more exact, however, it says that "discoveries can offer new...
  5. M

    Do i need to add conclusion if i dont have time?? HELP PLZ

    If you're finding that your a slow writer keep your essays to around 800 words and you'll probably finish in 40 minutes. A good tip is that you should memorise your essay or atleast its structure off by heart so you know how it flows but again don't forget to mold it to the question and don't...
  6. M

    Is doing 10 units going to lower my atar

    80 ATAR is achievable and you could surprise yourself with how much potential you have with those subjects, take it this way though I did 11 units and I did Extension English, I gave it my all and I got 44/50 but it didn't even count... With 10 units you at least know everything is going to...
  7. M

    Hsc atar

    I got 99 ATAR and I got Band 6's all round the block. 55% for my first economics exam? I ended up with 85% for that. 70% for Legal and I ended up with 95% (topped my school) 65% for my first 3U Maths exam and I ended up with 97%... the list goes on. Trust me when I say it's possible!
  8. M

    Full marks for working out.

    Definitely not! You'll probably get full marks for working out and a wrong solution if you had a transcription error (copied the question wrong) but other than that they'll never give you marks for just working out. Usually the case is you'll get marks for working out but they'll never award...
  9. M

    Do these happen in HSC maths marking?

    My math's teacher occasionally marked for the HSC and this is basically the case, however, I'm not sure about the two solutions because it was common practice for all crossed out sections to be marked. In my experience, I did 4U so I crossed out whole booklets but handed them in anyway...
  10. M

    What does radian mode do?

    You need to use radian mode for most Trig questions or else you won't get the marks, pretty much the only reason you'll need to ever know for HSC... I lost many many silly marks to not having my calc in radian mode. Just don't forget to change back to degree mode when your done.
  11. M

    Should I swap bio for legal?

    Legal was definitely worth it, it comes down to what you're more interested in. I did Legal for the HSC and I still use some of the things I learnt today, sure I had to write a bit more for my HSC but I was interested in it so I was willing to put in the extra effort. Sometimes having a better...
  12. M

    english band 6. How?

    I've had students who failed their first exams for English but most ending up with a solid band 6 and some with a high band 5, they worked really hard to move up the ranks. With a mark like 9/15 you still have heaps of room to improve and it's not a completely terrible mark if your aiming for a...
  13. M

    Hsc atar

    I failed my first year 12 exams horribly but I ended up with a pretty good ATAR, thing was although I felt that it was over if you persist and then you will most likely get a really good ATAR. Don't give up yet, also it's true you can definitely improve over the year.
  14. M

    Is it possible to get an ATAR 90+ with low scaling subjects?

    I've tutored students who did pretty low scaling subjects and I myself did Legal Studies and the short answer is yes it's more than possible. I've known many people who've broken 90 ATAR easily with those subjects with some even beating students who did the traditional Physics, Chemistry and...
  15. M

    Does HSC English help with other humanities?

    I did Ext. English for the HSC and a bunch of humanities (Legal Studies and Economics) and I always aced most exams (95%+), I would definitely attribute some of that to my understanding of what English really is about. Basically, the better you are at English the better you are at figuring out...