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  1. soha

    The *Oh Dear How Rude!* Dirty Music Thread

    why the floor
  2. soha

    The *Oh Dear How Rude!* Dirty Music Thread

    ok for some strange reason i have necro light my fire on my playlist hm..thats pretty dirty
  3. soha

    Muslim People in Australia

    in reguards to ur dads friend..i know heaps of muslims that drink alcohol such is life alcohol never used to be forbidden in islam but then it changed in the days of jesus (pbuh) some people dont care..some people go by the old ways because they want an excuse to drink it...
  4. soha

    Muslim People in Australia

    people at work are so nice coz its ramadan and we break our fast at like 6.05pm..when im working and fasting they let me have a break to get some food at the exact time even if its busy..awh thats nice
  5. soha

    hair removal

    i burnt my skin using hair removal cream therefore im bever using it again traumatising bad experience
  6. soha

    hair removal

    man i waxed my legs a few days ago it took me 3 days to finish 2 legs because i start a leg..then i get over it then i start the next leg the next day then i do the rest of both legs the next day coz i just cant be bothered doing it all at once.. thats my story
  7. soha

    If your girl or boyfriend wouldn't have sex...

    it does work for many people out there
  8. soha

    Muslim People in Australia

    Happy Ramadan to all me Peeps!!
  9. soha

    If your girl or boyfriend wouldn't have sex...

    no id be ok with them not wanting sex makes life easy for me coz im a no sex b4 marriage kind of girl
  10. soha

    Fasting Through The HSC

    fasting is an excellent detox teaches u self discipline and strengthens ur willpower i nearly ate a cucumber today..coz i forgot i picked it up to put it in my mouth and my sister goes ur fasting i was like whoops
  11. soha

    Fasting Through The HSC

    i fasted during the hsc last year was all good
  12. soha

    BOS Goths

    true but ppl say to me "whats with the goth look' im like err wtf
  13. soha

    BOS Goths

    my wadrobe consists of mostly black clothes and i wear black ALOT...then i wear alot of jewellery and eyeliner etc and shit i dont try to look goth but it may come across as if i am which is halarious..coz if u knew me ud be like wtf but yeah i cant help it if i like that sorta style
  14. soha

    "i'll get back to ya"

    i remember the first time i got asked out i said 'ummm....can i think about it?'..and 'i'll get back to ya' which led to an eventual no after a few days of 'thinking about it"..
  15. soha


    university of sydney has a 12 week course where they teach beginners arabic but it costs like $256 or something ...i can imagine that would be good im considering doing it myself
  16. soha

    young celebz

    lol they were all cool some of them looked exactly the same and for some they looked totally different leonardo decaprio was adorable when he was younger
  17. soha

    When is too young to be having sex

    huh..oh no let me rephrase that i see what you mean by category A now lol
  18. soha

    When is too young to be having sex

    oh category A -religious i c now lol
  19. soha

    When is too young to be having sex

    wtf is category A?
  20. soha

    When is too young to be having sex

    when ur married wether it be 16 or 60