Search results

  1. Fortify

    ATAR + Scaling + Subjects = Confusion!

    By getting Top of the State for all low scaling subjects will still get you a ATAR of 99.95.
  2. Fortify

    Starcraft 2 Battle Report III

    ST7EK6Y5kkU cjIHiaIzuZw
  3. Fortify

    What subjects do you want to do in yr 12?

    I wanna do da asean combo: -4U Math -Eng Adv. -Phys -Chem
  4. Fortify

    Intelligence difference and BF/GF capability

    Yes, I should. What is your point dear sir?
  5. Fortify


    August 17 is when mine starts. Plenty of time (:
  6. Fortify

    Intelligence difference and BF/GF capability

    I got some advice from Mcloving da man: Get HUGE pecks: Get a CR bag:
  7. Fortify

    i love your sig

    i love your sig
  8. Fortify

    Subject selection help

    Although remember Extension subjects are only worth 1 Unit except for ME2.
  9. Fortify

    UAI to ATAR conversion table

    What do you expect from a '10er ?
  10. Fortify

    year 12 jerseys

    -SAMPiE- is my Jersey name.
  11. Fortify


    Your username is LOLs.
  12. Fortify

    Does SDD Scale Well?

    Check out this table: You can compare most subjects.
  13. Fortify

    Intelligence difference and BF/GF capability

    Are you a Commerce boy trying to pick up a Medicine girl?
  14. Fortify

    Best Meal you've ever made?

    chicken + tomato risotto :9
  15. Fortify

    Standard v Advanced English

    Keep English Advanced. Unless you are really sure that you'll be Top 5 in Standard English.
  16. Fortify

    Binomial Theorem

    1 scoring strike in every 3 balls over 6 balls; what is the probability that: (i) 2 scoring strikes in a given 6 ball over. (ii)In 100 over how many likely overs with 2 scoring strikes. Thank.
  17. Fortify

    english not counting in final uai...

    2Units of English always counts.
  18. Fortify

    Auburn school rampage

    No he is not being racist. He was just refering me as a 'homie' or 'cuzzi'.
  19. Fortify

    Auburn school rampage
