Search results

  1. Aryanbeauty

    US and Israel agree boycott plan

    Then Jews came back with a vengeance and kicked arab ass outta Israel ha ha . The winner takes it all :rofl: revenge is a dish best served cold. Jews are doing exactly what you arab were doing to them, 800 years ago? Jews were not complaining, they leave Israel/Palestine nicely. Now isnt...
  2. Aryanbeauty

    New secret US base in Australia

    If leftist cowards like you refuse to fight for your own country and oppose building of nuclear reactors/energy how is Australia going to build its own military worthy of respects from its Asian neighbours? Where did you get your information that USA refused to sell F-22 Raptors? According to...
  3. Aryanbeauty

    US and Israel agree boycott plan

    And Israel/Palestine is traditionally owned by Jews thousands of years before there was an Arab/palestine in the area. Since Palestinians are mostly arabs why don't they go back to arabia where they originated, instead of trying to live in aland which does not belongs to them.
  4. Aryanbeauty

    US and Israel agree boycott plan

    It's not just US and Israel that refused to work with current Palestinian government led by Hamas, but also EU, Russia and UN. I don't know what the fuss is all about? If Hamas can rule palestine without US/EU/Russia/UN aid then they don't really need to recognise Israel. Refusing to reconise...
  5. Aryanbeauty

    New secret US base in Australia

    Yes US would allow Australian military facility but Australia does not need one nor it have the men/equipment and funds to maintain military base elsewhere like the US have around the world. No one attacks NZ because everyone is sure that US/Australia/UK would come to their aid, regardless...
  6. Aryanbeauty

    Timetable Confusion

    Oh I see, I'm sure I'll love it :D
  7. Aryanbeauty

    Timetable Confusion

    There is this PASS enrollment by clicking Tutorial link from SOLS. I don't know what PASS is. It does not match with either Tutorial or Workshop from timetable for the particular subject (ACCY200 and FIN221). Does anyone knows what PASS means and why do we have to enroll in PASS class? :uhoh:
  8. Aryanbeauty

    Do you have trouble of finding a part-time job and accommondation?

    yes it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a job in Wollongong. I regretted I went to this university because I have to rely on my parents completely until I graduate. :(
  9. Aryanbeauty

    US and Israel agree boycott plan

    Seeing how Hamas and Fatah fighters killed eachother in their attempts to control palestine, one wonders who really are power hungry LOL. These palestinians have no hesitation in killing their fellow palestinians when it comes to having political power. All these miseries and sufferings of...
  10. Aryanbeauty

    Fight for Islamic state, Aussies told

    Most evangelist christians also support zionism thesedays, cause zionism is good unlike islamic extremism. Sounds like you are dirty poor trash Armenian who is jealous of jewish peoples power, wealth and influences in world economy and polictics. No wonder no one knows who the fuck armenians...
  11. Aryanbeauty

    Govt working for Hicks guilty verdict: Fraser

    Good news for australia, one more terrorist locked away forever if found guilty, a safer australia :D
  12. Aryanbeauty

    Flight ban for anti-Bush T-shirt

    They hate anything that has to do with Israeli symbol. No, he was not branded or accused of terrorism, Qantas said it might upset other passenger and might be offensive to others.
  13. Aryanbeauty

    Flight ban for anti-Bush T-shirt

    Do that you will probably get beheaded by some muslims at Dubai airport LOL:rofl: or you can try wearing Muhammad's picture with abomb in his head. See how far you'll go
  14. Aryanbeauty

    Flight ban for anti-Bush T-shirt

    LOL what a sore loser he really is. His name probably is on the list of people banned from flying trans atlantic flight by now ha ha.
  15. Aryanbeauty

    Australian flag BANNED!!!

    Quoted for absolute stupidity. It has nothing to do with refugee disliking austrlian flag, it has to do with racist people abusing the flag for their own twisted agenda and intimidating other people. If refugee does not like Australia or australian flag for australian involvement in...
  16. Aryanbeauty

    Chinese Missile Tests

    Thats the point of being a Superpower. Does monkey avatar means you are unbiased:rofl: . Hiv are believed to be transmitted from monkeys in central africa. Does that means you have HIV :eek: LOL
  17. Aryanbeauty

    Chinese Missile Tests

    An arms race especially tho ones in space will be in favour of USA. Just look at how costly nuclear arms and space race between USA and USSR bankrupted the then superpower USSR. With a GDP of 2.25 trillion US $ (CIA fact book) can't just compete with USA with a GDP of nearly 13 Trillion US $...
  18. Aryanbeauty

    The Iraq War

    Firstly they are now begging to get back the land allocated to them by UN which they greedily rejected in a hope of getting the whole land which they subsequently failed in all of their attempts through more wars. Secondly, Israelis/jews complied and agreed with UN partition plan, and other...
  19. Aryanbeauty

    The Iraq War

    Muslims did not read by themselves, laymen in thosedays in arab world or even in the west (during 12/13/14/15 century) can neither read nor write. They hear it from their religious leaders and in most cases at the threat of a sword. I am not downplaying the oriental knowlege, however their...
  20. Aryanbeauty

    The Iraq War

    Even if jews have bad views on Jesus and treat him with disdain, the difference is they dont put it out in the form of violence towards christians and that is the reason why other major religions tolerate each other except islam. Indian Hindus most hated people are Muslims, Thai Buddhists most...