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  1. Aryanbeauty

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    I was there last night at Sydney Entertainment centre, it was great. Great preformance, fabulous dancers, great music and everyone was dancing almost throughout the concert . I did not buy the program book cause they bundled with last year's cancelled show programme and priced ridiculously...
  2. Aryanbeauty

    Where do you Work? (Employment Advice Line)

    Re: Employment Advice Line I'm wondering how taxes are deducted? I got paid about $ 18 per hour as nightfill at Big W and how many % will be deducted as taxes? I am Casual and I work mostly from 7 pm to Midnight and sometime up to 1 or 2 am. Am I entitled some extra $$ by working in such late...
  3. Aryanbeauty

    SBS Rapped for smut, porn - and bias

    I think SBS is quite fair and I like their news, very informative and always in detail.
  4. Aryanbeauty

    US Congressional elections - Democrats or Republicans

    Would love to see the faces of dismay of foxnews anchors LOL its :D time for CNN after 12 years :D
  5. Aryanbeauty

    Saddam sentenced to death

    the London and Madrid bombing probably made you happy so that you can claim the war on terror has failed but you are damn wrong. Yes I am sure you will also claim that the foiled Trans-Atlantic bomb plot was a hoax. I bet you also believe that London and Madrid bombings are done by their...
  6. Aryanbeauty

    Saddam sentenced to death

    In most cases they have proof that terrorists have link with al qaeda and many of them travelled to Pakistan and Afghanistan which is a hub of Islamic terrorism and former al qaeda base. A vast numbers of suicide bombers in Iraq are foreigners, muslims from around the world, recruited by...
  7. Aryanbeauty

    The Woolworths Thread

    Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job Are you allowed to get two jobs at Woolworhts? say one at Big W and one at Woolworths both of them Casual?
  8. Aryanbeauty

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Britain is not USA and not ruled by george Bush nor republican. The fact that they arrested close to 50 terror suspects during the past 5 years shows they are successful. And what do you suggest to combat terrorism? No we will not submit to muslims, USA, Britain , Israel or Australia will...
  9. Aryanbeauty

    Recording Satellite TV

    I'm just wondering is it possible to record tv programs from a satellite subsription tv such as Selectv or Foxtel? Also, is it possible to share one connection to multiple TVs and how? Will we be able to watch different channel on separate TV (there will be only one set top box) Any help is...
  10. Aryanbeauty

    Saddam sentenced to death

    If they are defending their country why did they kill their own people in hundreds everyday? :rolleyes: Is that a new strategy to defend ones own country? massacring their fellow Iraqis, their fellow muslims and you sound very happy about it :D Typical coward libtard who prefer submission...
  11. Aryanbeauty

    Saddam sentenced to death

    How do you know Bush is giving orders? Do you have any evidence? And stop turning every thread into muslims vs non-muslims, because you will not like it. Saddam's sentencing is not about muslim, its about bringing justice for tens of thousands of people killed by his direct and indirect orders...
  12. Aryanbeauty

    Saddam sentenced to death

    What do you call justice? Use of killing him? His body; after execution will be buried and it will decompose and it will turn into a bio-fertiliser/manure which will help grow iraqi fruits and vegetables which will be used to feed poor iraqis. Thats the best use of him.
  13. Aryanbeauty

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Justice for all the victims of Saddam Hussein at last. Thanks to George Bush :D
  14. Aryanbeauty

    US Congressional elections - Democrats or Republicans

    Once again John Forbes Kerry shoot himself in the foot by making stupid comments about soldiers in Iraq. I would like to see a deomocrat controlled house after 12 long years, and see how they drive national security issues. It will be interesting to see how a democrat controlled house of...
  15. Aryanbeauty


    Yeah I was wondering how did you liberate people from Buddhism with Communism? Why did people flee in thousands where communist are in power :uhoh:
  16. Aryanbeauty

    Flag Burners

    How did I contradict myself? when did I favoured religion over a country or a country over religion? I did not suggest you give up religion, I am suggesting that if you plead freedom of speech in attacking a country, its values and symbols, the same principles should apply to religion. Freedom...
  17. Aryanbeauty

    Flag Burners

    You can accuse me of anything if that makes you happy, I don't give a damn about what you think of me. My opinion towards islam and lebanese are based on what they did here in australia. They complain about racism, discrimination etc all of whom are created by them, brought by them upon...
  18. Aryanbeauty

    Flag Burners

    Ah racist? Pulizzzzee. Is that the best you can do? I never blamed muslims/lebs for ALL PROBLEMS. I blame them for the problem they created ;), no you and other muslims/lebs accuse white australians of racism, I pointed out that it is the lebs/muslims who are racist towards whites. You don't...
  19. Aryanbeauty

    Big W tips

    I am offered nightfill position and I'm still with my L plate! I dont know how I'm gonna get back home!
  20. Aryanbeauty

    DVD incident

    You can't force someone to have oral sex? Strange cause even men are forced to have oral sex with other men in prison. Many women can fight back their rapist but for fear of being killed or violence they simply co-operate with their assailant.