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  1. icycledough

    Merchant of Venice: Deception

    I was able to find a sample essay from online (not from HSC in 2019 (but may be a good read); I didn't do it myself so don't know if it's any good or not btw. Essay -->
  2. icycledough

    Identifying Esters/Carboxyllic Acid

    1) Yh, from what I've read, the only way to go about it is to perform spectra-based tests, which doesn't really help with what you're asking. Definitely don't mention smelling or tasting as a way to identify an ester (it isn't safe for you)
  3. icycledough


    I'd probably go with 2), but add a few extra amendments to it. Copying the question just waste unnecessary time you could use to practice more questions. However, saying that, you definitely need to make a note of what question you're answering. So what I would do is at the beginning of each...
  4. icycledough

    essay structure band 6

    That's usually what most people go with. There's definitely no widely accepted way to go about it, you could do 2, 3, 4 ideas.
  5. icycledough


    Oh wow, I didn't know MQ has early entry for actuarial. I'm doing it at UNSW, and am not aware of any early entry scheme for it, so it's probably only a MQ thing. With regards to the job market, there's literally hundreds of prospective careers you can see yourself working in,. A few of the...
  6. icycledough

    what's getting you through the HSC?

    Depending on how much you hate English (which I'm sure is pretty much most people), you can finally say that after Paper 2, you never have to analyse a text again or write a creative piece for English ever again.
  7. icycledough

    essay structure band 6

    I think the main issue is the number of ideas/themes you are able to convey. 2 paragraphs normally insinuates 2 ideas/themes, unless you would do more than 1 theme per paragraph
  8. icycledough

    essay structure band 6

    I don't think 2 paragraphs would be enough to get a sufficient amount of ideas / analysis through to the marker. It definitely may have been done in the past, but most B6 students will have 3 (maybe a few may have 4)
  9. icycledough


    I don't think they will explicitly test you on Year 11 content, but it will be assumed knowledge
  10. icycledough

    Can somebody help me

    I just had a read on the NESA syllabus for the English Studies course and there's 14 modules (A to N) + a common module!!! Is this actually for real because how do they expect you to remember that many essays? Unless the course is structured in a way which I don't know about?
  11. icycledough

    Person ranked first in cohort not doing HSC

    So essentially, a student who comes first in internals isn't guaranteed first for externals (although quite likely), while likewise, a person who may be in the top 5 could potentially come first in externals (not too likely, but still a possibility)
  12. icycledough

    teacher gift ideas?

    Definitely agree with giving them simple gifts, but also gifts which may have a meaning behind it. So for our chemistry teacher, we gave her like a 'Technology for dummies' book as she was quite frankly, hopeless at using technology (especially during early last year during lockdown). That was...
  13. icycledough

    Year 12 final days...

    How does online grad work? The whole point of it is to meet up with mates and pretty much take photos the whole day. Honestly think no grad might be better than online grad
  14. icycledough

    HSC EXAM 2019

    I didn't go your prescribed text myself in Module A, but I did John Keats, which had 7 poems in total. So while last year's HSC question just asked us to explore the poems (I ended up analysing 2 of the poems) and a film alongside (which was called 'Bright Star'), they can quite easily ask you...
  15. icycledough

    HSC starts in a week… Now in a day

    I would have done that, but I had an exam on the same day as Paper 1, so couldn't afford to do that. I was definitely stressing much more for Paper 2 as there were 2 essays and a creative to write compared to only 1 essay + short answer for Paper 1.
  16. icycledough

    Can someone please send me their conclusions for the merchant of Venice?

    Of course, they will mark you. But the issue is that they won't be as lenient if they can't comprehend what you have written, so they may be inclined to give you a lower mark (it's all to the discrepancy of the marker at the end of the day). I'm pretty sure though that essays are double marked...
  17. icycledough

    Can someone please send me their conclusions for the merchant of Venice?

    They've got hundreds of thousands of exams to mark, so definitely agree that they won't be bothered to decipher writing which looks cryptic or is just illegible
  18. icycledough

    Can someone please send me their conclusions for the merchant of Venice?

    Jesus, I feel sorry for markers who have to mark writing like this.
  19. icycledough

    Year 12 final days...

    Not a chance ... probably the biggest change is the amount of independence which is required of you. Your lecturers won't be chasing you around if you don't finish homework or submit assignments (unlike teachers do in high school), which can either be a bad or good thing depending on what type...
  20. icycledough

    Year 12 final days...

    Honestly, going to university helps you with stepping out of your comfort zone. In high school, you're peers with people very similar to you (especially if you go to a selective school, everyone is very academically gifted, depending on where your school is located there may be majority ethnic...