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  1. breaking

    Dating your best mate's ex.

    engaged? how old are you, like 19? lolz
  2. breaking

    Dating your best mate's ex.

    would never do it also, lol at i'm fairly fucking sure i'd rather sort out the issues with my "bestie ^_^" than date his ex who "genuinely has feelings for me", lol
  3. breaking

    innocent or hot?

    cute ftmfw imo just sayin'
  4. breaking

    So, exactly how hard is it?

    that's what she said
  5. breaking

    67% of girls are stupid.

    60% of the time, it works every time
  6. breaking

    Privacy in relationships

    eh, i don't give a shit who goes through my phone. except i can't stand overly curious people who feel the need to look through peoples messages/phone books etc and ask who every single person is, it's annoying as fuck although like.. i know of some people in relationships who are like "oh yeah...
  7. breaking

    Do you consider...

  8. breaking

    Best part of your relationship

  9. breaking

    Do you turn heads when you are out with your partner?

    yeah this is going to get really old real fast i think lol
  10. breaking

    Do you turn heads when you are out with your partner?

    when we go out people stop and stare with jealous minds
  11. breaking

    Question for the ladies

  12. breaking

    HOLYSH*T! - Woman says she became pregnant after watching porn in 3D

    yeah i was just about to say it sounds very onionlike lol
  13. breaking


  14. breaking

    Question for the ladies

    the responses in this thread don't exactly correspond with the poll results (which seem bullshit... more than half of women want to marry a virgin? i don't think so lol)
  15. breaking

    Question for the ladies

  16. breaking

    Heart attack victims delay calling costly ambulance

    ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you dumb fucking clueless muslim
  17. breaking

    Do you think women want sex as much as men?

    lolol yeah gud 1 m8 :uhoh: