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  1. breaking

    Do you think women want sex as much as men?

    really? oh shit, thanks heaps for that hey
  2. breaking

    Do you turn heads when you are out with your partner?

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: and how does being with someone in a wheelchair attract attention? i don't know of anyone who would stare/whatever at someone who had a friend in a wheelchair
  3. breaking

    September 11

    Re: Official: September 11 ahahhahahahhahahahhaha
  4. breaking

    Wyndham College Collegiate for Seven Hills High, Quakers and Riverstone

    bahahhahahaha i had kumie too lol, except for IPT so it was even worse.... jesus he didn't like me very much lol
  5. breaking

    make up sex

  6. breaking

    35 sleeping with 13

    fuckin' lol
  7. breaking

    Band Name: Embracing Melody?

    cartel are pretty great
  8. breaking

    Parra vs. Doggies

    eels :shy:
  9. breaking

    Parra vs. Doggies

    fuck off you scummy bulldogs-supporting musso
  10. breaking

    Any reccomendations for a good-all purpose jacket?

    haha yuck, gstar is terrible, overpriced rubbish worn pretty much exclusively by dirty sydney/melbourne lebs
  11. breaking

    lebanese female voices

    it's because they are scum
  12. breaking

    good hip hop

  13. breaking

    good hip hop

    oh yeah of course not, sorry :uhoh:
  14. breaking

    good hip hop

    the roots, mf doom/metal fingers, mos def, spank rock, dilated peoples, rjd2.... um yeah oh and j5
  15. breaking

    Carl Williams

    nah, just you gooks.
  16. breaking

    Do you think women want sex as much as men?

    lol. nah but i think generally probably yes, it's just that dudes are generally a lot less subtle about it. except for the gold coast where it's probably the other way around lol
  17. breaking

    splendour up yer arse

    as decent as the lineup is, the more i think about it the more i don't want to go.... probably looking at around ~$800 for the entire weekend including tickets, food, drinks, accomodation, travel etc... and judging by the amount of "LoL oMG spLEndoUR sO keWL hEhE!1!!!1!" status updates on my...
  18. breaking

    splendour up yer arse

    interesante historia ese
  19. breaking

    beautiful girls

    neither of those chicks are particularly decent imo