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  1. Aplus


    Should have studied more consistently throughout the whole year, spread out the workload over a longer period of time, to reduce stress or a decrease in motivation, resulting in procrastination.
  2. Aplus

    Boring, feels the same as procrastinating, the guilt is just removed haha

    Boring, feels the same as procrastinating, the guilt is just removed haha
  3. Aplus

    Possibility of Loss of an Answer Sheet/Booklet?

    The probability is probably too low for you to worry about.
  4. Aplus


    Waste of time highlighting in an exam.
  5. Aplus

    Study Notes: Keeping or Trash?

    Why would you write notes for SC?
  6. Aplus

    who had old, moody examiners??

    You could've just ignored them and not look at them.
  7. Aplus

    Hi! :)

    Hi! :)
  8. Aplus

    [First Lesson Free] 2/3/4U Mathematics, Physics. [Hills Area]

    It demonstrates ability of leadership, being a well rounded individual, etc.
  9. Aplus

    who's scared about their atar?

    I'm not scared about my ATAR, only scared about parents' and family's reaction.
  10. Aplus

    What would happen if...

    I'm pretty sure they would have thought about this occurring so if it did happen, they'd already be prepared.
  11. Aplus

    Parents reaction to you not making it?

    Philip Guo - Attention: Overbearing Asian Parents My parents are alright, but my family generally, not so. I hate how Asian parents have a tendency to gossip about their children. Asian parents seem to live off their children for bragging rights. I'm always compared to relatives, "So and so got...
  12. Aplus

    The Football Thread

    re: The Official Football Thread Association football, stop being ignorant.
  13. Aplus


    Do it for personal satisfaction.
  14. Aplus


  15. Aplus

    So those of you who got tutored, do you think it really made a difference?

    Yes, and it also provides motivation if you need it.
  16. Aplus

    The Football Thread

    re: The Official Football Thread *sighs* Liverpool...
  17. Aplus

    Whats your favourite Michael Jackson song??

    Impossible to even choose a favourite from specific albums. Even more impossible to choose a favourite from his entire discography.