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  1. A

    twilight series

    OMG! i've read all the books i loved every page of them <3 it's so awesomeee..=D BTW, Edward cullen is f**kin HOT! Cant wait for the movie bby!
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    Year 10ers relax

    is the school certificate really that easy? or are you guys just exaggerating?
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    Those little things...

    the clock in front of me for my eglish trials had the wrong time :( i was up to my last long response and the clock made me thought that i had plenty of time left. i lagged on that last response and i didnt end up finishing it :mad: i was cursed by the clock:angry:
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    Medical science in uni?

    has anyone decide which uni they want to do the medical science in course? :s
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    Medical science in uni?

    Hi guys (: i have been browsing around forums and reading comments and all and i realised that alot of people want to do medical science in uni. :O i want to do medical science too! :jaw: n i was like OMG! i have a serious competition when i do my HSC (2010). LOL!:lol: Anyways, i posted this...