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  1. grk_styl


    Me thinks this question has been answered. Use the stickies guys!!
  2. grk_styl

    additional texts in AOS essay

    It really depends on the question. Some questions specifically ask for ONE related piece of material. If they do, then ONLY provide one. Many questions will ask for TEXTS of your own choosing. If so, then it's definitely better to do two texts. You should have enough time to cover them...
  3. grk_styl

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    October brings way too many bdays, so I went pressie shopping today: 2 necklaces with matching earrings - J's Room Chi Chi Exfoliating wash, shower wash, hand cream (body butter gift with purchase woot!) - myer Chi Chi eye shadow palate, lip gloss collection (eyeshadow gift with purchase! I'm...
  4. grk_styl

    What I am doing/wearing today

    Today I went to my boy's house and I'm having a friend over this arvo: white pleated skirt brown singlet from cotton on a brass vintage-looking long necklace with charms on the end of it Tonight I'm "babysitting" at my dancing school's Fundraiser Disco; then going out: Black skinnies Red and...
  5. grk_styl

    What I am doing/wearing today

    Today I bummed around at home, recovering from my birthday party the night before, then my boy and I went roaming the streets. - blue t with gold butterfly print - denim TBY skinnies - white "I love Billy" flats - cream cardigan
  6. grk_styl

    What I am doing/wearing today

    Today I went shopping, am bumming, reading my novel, and getting ready for my birthday party which is on tomorrow night. I was wearing a red grandpa T, blue TBY skinnies and havs. I've swapped the skinnies for Lonsdale trackies. Tonight I'm going to dinner and movies with the boy. Am...
  7. grk_styl

    Help: dress for a wedding

    that's a really pretty dress (minus the waist belt). well i go to "woggy" weddings and functions all the time. recently i bought myself 3 dresses that I can wear depending on the exact nature of each event. I found these dresses in Mirage and Sheike and they were all under $120! I also suggest...
  8. grk_styl

    What I am doing/wearing today

    tonight I'm going to a friend's 21st, and i'm wearing: - white dress which flares from the hips, it has red and blue flowers printed on it - my new red shoes! closed points - red waist belt - a long (fake) gold necklace with a 3D heart attached to the end - (real) gold bracelet and my hair is...
  9. grk_styl

    What I am doing/wearing today

    Uni today, would rather stay at home...or go to the beach. - black knee-length shorts - red chestie - black havs hair is in a very messy bun. just put on some mascara and pencil
  10. grk_styl

    Having crushes with someone YOUNGER THAN YOU??? OMG

    LyKe Oh MY gOD, mY cRuSh iS YoUnGer ThAn mE. I aM LyK tOtaLLy eMbaRRaSmEnT If the thread starter is legit, then perahaps you see him more as a younger brother. I'd also suggest that you start going out a bit more. No offence, of course. Anywho, I thought the legal age of male consensual sex...
  11. grk_styl

    Final Exam Timetable (now available), Semester II, 2006

    Re: Draft Exam Timetable Mine's ok...would have liked to have finished earlier in the 2nd week. First week: Monday EDUF2007 Thursday PSYC2013 Second Week: Tuesday SCEL2104 Wednesday ENGL2611
  12. grk_styl


    Sold out??? Good lord. There are people walking around in that? Supposedly it's worth $160 too! They should definitely stick to jeans. Haven't they changed their name?
  13. grk_styl

    People who don't like commitment and are in relationships.

    I think you're a bit like me (or I'm a bit like you, whatever). I was badly burnt 2.5 years ago (yes I know get the fuck over it). Anyway, I was happily single for 2 yrs and was very committment-phobic. I've been seeing my boyfriend for 4 months and I could say that I'm still slightly...
  14. grk_styl

    Colour Co-ordinating

    ohh thanks guys! Yeah I was imagining not colour co-ordinating the reds and it didn't come out as a very nice picture in my mind. because I have white in both dresses, I was actually considering going for white shoes and white waist belt, seeing as though u can't really have different shades of...
  15. grk_styl

    Colour Co-ordinating

    I have a question about colour co-ordinating! I've recently bought 2 dresses - one is cotton and it's red, white and navy the other is that stretchy kind of material and it's red and sky blue interwoven. Now my next big spend will be on SHOES! I want red shoes. The question is can I wear deep...
  16. grk_styl


    Use to be totally against it (apart from hand-holding). Now I don't mind, unless it's total groping. Kisses are fine every now and then. And hey, if you're making out on the beach at night I also think that's fine lol If someone doesn't like it they can move to another part of the beach!
  17. grk_styl

    Lionheart SUCKS

    Is the flaming necessary? So you hated Lionheart, and someone else loved it. Big deal. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion :) Play nice kids. No name calling!
  18. grk_styl

    What I am doing/wearing today

    I was total hobo today. Skipped uni to do work (ironic hey, but lectures are on the net anyway) - Lonsdale trackies - white 3/4 sleeve with blue champion old work t-shirt on top - year 12 jersey my hair is frizzy as (damn weather) and I didn't even swap my glasses for contacts today (oh...
  19. grk_styl

    Exam writing ON THE SPOT (inclass)

    The only way you can "excel" at these things is by practise! Practise makes perfect!! Obviously knowing your material helps lol So what I can suggest is make sure you know your material. Study a bit every night. Do past paper questions. Put yourself in an exam condition (in your room, no...
  20. grk_styl

    "I+S" related material dilemma

    My teacher once told me that in EE1, it is expected that we have gone outside the square we live in, in order to find different types of texts, whether that be different multimedia or different authors. I think that in doing Mansfield Park (while you may have read a variety of supplementary...