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  1. grk_styl

    What's hawt, what's n0t.

    Ok, I don't mean to be rude, but who cares if stripes were in fashion in Europe last season. We're in Australia here. Let them be done to death here too. If they look good, wear them. If they don't, then don't wear them. Don't NOT wear something purely based on the fact that it's been done to...
  2. grk_styl

    What's hawt, what's n0t.

    * Thongs in winter - really not hot. It's cold people, and rainy too! * Ugg boots outside of the house - ditto, not hot. * (guys) Skinnies - i'm going to disagree with a lot of people on this forum and say not hot. * Stripes - hot * (girls) Polka dots - cute if done right * (girls) waist belts...
  3. grk_styl

    eduf1018 - how do u study 4 the exam

    I love Ed merely because the exams allow you to bullshit. As long as you are politically correct, ie. use "him/her" and "she/he" when referring to a teacher (men and women can be teachers too! lol) Did she tell you what the compulsory question was going to be on? Because I think we got told...
  4. grk_styl

    The USYD 'Get Fat and Fail' thread

    i absolutely love it! i love sweating. lol i love the feeling when your muscles are burning and screaming at you. it's an addiction! i just hate this weather. the cold makes me want to hibernate rather than run, and thus I haven't been for a run for over a week :( i've eaten: crumpets with...
  5. grk_styl

    Does age really matter??

    from what I've seen, not necessarily! I also agree! Find out what she thinks about age differences, though. You don't want to be left with a broken heart
  6. grk_styl

    Do your parents approve?

    But then you have the age-old question of "do your parents approve of your husband to be?" Or do you risk your happiness for THEIR happiness and marry someone that isn't right for you? My mum has spent the last 6 months trying to set me up with a friend of my brother's. I finally agreed to...
  7. grk_styl

    Does age really matter??

    my boyfriend is like you. I'm the 3rd girl he's dated who has been older than him. My brother is the same as well. Both boys said that they could never date a girl their age or younger than them because they are more mature than most guys their age. To answer the thread starter's question...
  8. grk_styl

    Do your parents approve?

    Exactly. You do things walking on egg shells. I got blasted last night for making mum tea in the wrong mug. Why do we put up with it? Sometimes i have no fucking idea lol I'm just not letting it come between my boyfriend and I, as I am totally happy and I can't let them ruin that
  9. grk_styl

    eduf1018 - how do u study 4 the exam

    yeah give that a try! it was a whole year ago for some of us so i really can't tell you what was in our it will differ from year to year otherwise, maybe someone you were friendly with during the semester could help you out. good luck!
  10. grk_styl

    Do your parents approve?

    If you knew my father you'd understand why lol I have a very close relationship with my parents, but because of their outdated views on dating, it's very hard for me to tell them about my boyfriend or to bring him home. That said, I thought my mum would be ok, since she's like a best friend to...
  11. grk_styl

    eduf1018 - how do u study 4 the exam

    Did you go to your final lecture? Last year Lesley told us what was going to be in the exam. Maybe she changed it this year?
  12. grk_styl

    Freaking out about your exams?

    I was in mechanical engineering. Why the hell would they put an english exam in the ngineering part of the uni? Logic is beyond me. I didn't find it too bad. I think I already passed the course before the exam, so technically Susan, I could hjave put my name on the paper and walked out and...
  13. grk_styl

    Semester 2 Timetable '06

    It's called healthy procrastination. :) It's also called being the fuck over all the study I've done lol
  14. grk_styl

    Semester 2 Timetable '06

    not a fan of 5pm finishes...the uni gets so scary after 4 lol yeh, does anyone know?
  15. grk_styl

    Semester 2 Timetable '06

    So they're up, kids! Like it? Hate it? I don't mind mine...14 hours again this semester. Friday's off. 11am starts. Nice. I wanna change my 10am monday psyc tute, which I've never done in person before at the Student Centre. Just wondering, can I do that at any stage? Can I go in tomorrow...
  16. grk_styl

    What would you do?

    yes lack of details does make it hard, but it's up to ujuphleg how much she wants to disclose. the "many things" that parents can do varies. They can make you life a living hell, if they wanted. They can take away privileges. They can make your life so hell that you'd want to move out, but...
  17. grk_styl

    What would you do?

    perhaps not...but there are many things a parent can do to stop a "disobedient" child - well technically an adult. Like I said previously, my parents don't agree with my relationship with my boyfriend so they have put limitations on. Sure I can just say "fuck you" and walk out of the...
  18. grk_styl

    What would you do?

    Some parents don't appreciate their children. It should be as simple as "it's my life and my life". Because it IS her life and her body. It's not her mother's body. But this isn't a discussion about her choice to have sex. I understand how hard it is to say to your parents "I'm 20 I can do...
  19. grk_styl

    What would you do?

    he has a point. You could always say your bunking with a girl. and the boys are all bunking together
  20. grk_styl

    What would you do?

    I wanted to read a few posts before I thought about it too. A lot of people are saying, "you're twenty years old, you can do whatever you want", but reality is, with parents like Susan's, YOU CAN'T do whatever you want. I have parents like Susan's...actually I have worse parents, who won't even...