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  1. Miss Sunshine

    Advice for Yr 11 student starting Advanced English

    can someone pls list the topics that are covered in Advanced and Extension English?
  2. Miss Sunshine

    woo! you are decorating it! go mongoz! :D

    woo! you are decorating it! go mongoz! :D
  3. Miss Sunshine

    haha compared to my page your page is plain mongoz! you need to make it fancy and prettiful! :D...

    haha compared to my page your page is plain mongoz! you need to make it fancy and prettiful! :D yess i kno i'm so annoyed i have school in one more day! post-school depression! :P i'm actually very jealous of you!! you going to uni??? you get SOO many more holidays than me! u get like another...
  4. Miss Sunshine

    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers hi there! :D haha i love it how you do better in extension that in continuers :P Count on baby K to get fabulous marks! :) you should be very proud of yourself Thanks Baby K for your generosity to help :) xxx
  5. Miss Sunshine

    Australian Open

    agreed! :)
  6. Miss Sunshine

    HAHA! aww elizabeth's not telling! she's got a secret.. come on spill!

    HAHA! aww elizabeth's not telling! she's got a secret.. come on spill!
  7. Miss Sunshine

    superelizabeth do you prefer muffin men or gingerbread men? :P

    superelizabeth do you prefer muffin men or gingerbread men? :P
  8. Miss Sunshine

    Anybody doing a science plz read

    u r awesome brontecat thanks heaps :)
  9. Miss Sunshine

    Australian Open

    mauresmo is a goneeeeer
  10. Miss Sunshine

    Australian Open

    i am extremely jealous of u!
  11. Miss Sunshine

    haha wow suz what a bunch of amusing and unusual friends u have here :P pet rocks? never-ending...

    haha wow suz what a bunch of amusing and unusual friends u have here :P pet rocks? never-ending stash of muffins? haha
  12. Miss Sunshine

    no background here yet.... :(

    no background here yet.... :(
  13. Miss Sunshine

    yeh the url under the heading 'picture URL' which is the first one have you got the background...

    yeh the url under the heading 'picture URL' which is the first one have you got the background yet muffinman?
  14. Miss Sunshine

    the first one

    the first one
  15. Miss Sunshine

    you first of all have to open the picture up that is in your album and copy the picture url...

    you first of all have to open the picture up that is in your album and copy the picture url thingy and paste it in the customise profile section under the heading 'background image'- hope that makes sense
  16. Miss Sunshine

    *drum roll* for superelizabeth!

    *drum roll* for superelizabeth!
  17. Miss Sunshine

    muffinman what you weeeing about? :P

    muffinman what you weeeing about? :P
  18. Miss Sunshine

    haha true about the smiley faces! gah i'm stuck- do i have to type anything in the box...

    haha true about the smiley faces! gah i'm stuck- do i have to type anything in the box underneath background image???
  19. Miss Sunshine

    ohhh well it would be better if it was 777! :P when it's 777 then that will be your lucky day...

    ohhh well it would be better if it was 777! :P when it's 777 then that will be your lucky day :D Welll here is the test to see if you are really awesome at explaining things- i will try and put up a background and if it works then you are awesome! haha
  20. Miss Sunshine

    yeh! that is kinda freaky! 707 posts!! AHH! how do you do that! not to mention all those people...

    yeh! that is kinda freaky! 707 posts!! AHH! how do you do that! not to mention all those people who have posted thousands of messages like namu! :P me? i have like 200 total posts! :D hey how do you put up a background image??????