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  1. JohnMaximus

    2013 Federal election

    Female vote increased... "Feminism" should be officially renamed "mansogynism".
  2. JohnMaximus

    Could I get 99+ Atar

    Only if the top 1% are doing the same thing ;3 Who knows, with some luck maybe everyone will just be really stupid this year.
  3. JohnMaximus

    State Ranks?

    Internals have to be legit, if anyone complains, the BoS will rain fire on any faculty which appears to be giving out inappropriate assessments.
  4. JohnMaximus

    Could I get 99+ Atar

    Step 1.Do HSC practice papers for each subject. Step 2.Be realistic and estimate what raw marks you will get in your exams after 4 more months of preparation. Step 3.Compare your raw mark estimates to the raw marks database which can be found on this site. Your end result from this process...
  5. JohnMaximus

    UNSW LAW - ATAR below cutoff of 99.65 and still got in???

    Hey, it's their dream course, it's their future. "Fair" and "low" have no meaning.
  6. JohnMaximus


    Engo at unsw is lowish 90s, if you have band6s in 6/10 units you shouldn't need 10 bonus points.
  7. JohnMaximus

    is it a good idea to do 3U+4U maths in one year at TAFE if I've only done 2U?

    2u=/=4u To the point that I'm sure most guys at my school (neither private nor selective) getting 50ish Raws in 4u would get 95~100 with a lot less effort in a 2u test. Well actually I know that for sure, that's what they did last year when they accelerated 2u. I hope that's not too harsh, it...
  8. JohnMaximus

    Curve Sketching Horror!!!

    Awesome notes, best layout I've ever seen outside an actual math textbook. (Saved them) PS: I think you made a mistake on the x+sinx example for f(x)+g(x).
  9. JohnMaximus

    Is there such thing as an "appropriate" hairstyle/haircut for school?

    Just saying. Some people take it too far, and it's not just traumatising for little kids, I'm scared by some of the stuff I see today. Its not just piercings, its people intentionally creating facial disformaties with plastic surgery and whatnot. You can argue freedom and individuality, but...
  10. JohnMaximus

    HSC life

    Eh, having the best understanding of a text isn't enough to pull marks in if you don't practice structured essay writing. Speaking from experience in previous grade school assessments. Often the guy who contributes somewhat badly in class, and then goes home and studies comes out on top.
  11. JohnMaximus

    HSC life

    Brah, my teacher told me that quote in your sig was a shot at midgets. (One in particular) Really shows a jerk side to Newton, doesn't it?
  12. JohnMaximus

    Returning back to comprehensive school from selective school.

    Gotta say, I can see why they're targeting you. You care too much. (Change school because someone pronounced your name wrong?) It makes you susceptible to bullying. They go for you because you're weak, they're childish meaningless attacks actually affect you. Brush it off, no-one has hit you...
  13. JohnMaximus

    Is there such thing as an "appropriate" hairstyle/haircut for school?

    I think there should be. I wouldnt want to be associated with some kid with shaved black hair and a footling bleached rat tail because we go to the same school. In fact, tbh, if being naked in public is considered "indecency" and is illegal, certain hairstyles, clothing, even over the top...
  14. JohnMaximus

    Atar Estimate Please

    9 people in your whole school do ext1 Anyway it's hard to tell because you've got such few people in each subject but you're probably doing more than enough for 92. 80% as a raw mark for ext1 is something you should look at improving. For 90+ aims, most people recommend 80+ Raws for ext2...
  15. JohnMaximus

    How did you get a 90+ atar??

    Doing my HSC this year too, and I figure that passing that 90 threshold just requires you to: 1. Learn the concepts as you go through them in class, making sure that you understand everything from the topic you are taught today before your teacher moves onto something tomorrow. Looking at the...
  16. JohnMaximus

    Lying about atar to parents?

    Well, you'd think if your Atar was so important to your parents, and through them, to you, you'd actually put in the effort in order to get that 90+ atar. It's not too late right now, as the HSC progresses, the worth which each exam has increases, so you've got right until the last tests which...